Format: Renzoku, across two seasons
Genre: Detective, mystery
Broadcast network: NHK
Air time: Saturday 21:00-21:58
Season 1
Title: 刑事の現場
Title (romaji): Keiji no Genba
Also known as: The Detectives
Episodes: 4
Viewership rating: 10.5 (Kanto)
Broadcast period: 2008-Mar-01 to 2008-Mar-29
Theme song: Arigato by Ohashi Takuya
A drama about a rookie detective who teams up with a veteran detective and develops a good rapport while overcoming difficulties. Keigo starts his new post at a local police station where he partners up with Shoichi, a frigid, yet warm-hearted, detective on the verge of retirement. The drama features how the young detective builds up his career with the veteran and those who are connected with his cases. --NHK
Terao Akira as Isesaki Shoichi
Moriyama Mirai as Kato Keigo
Ishikura Saburo as Noshita Hiromi
Ikewaki Chizuru as Setoyama Mizuho
Oshinari Shugo as Furukawa Ryosuke
Hamada Manabu as Kishida Wataru
Miura Akifumi (三浦アキフミ) as Kijima Shota
Nakayama Megumi as Yashiro Chinatsu
Kariya Shunsuke
Uzaki Ryudo (宇崎竜童) as Morimoto Shinji
Maya Kyoko as Kirishima Natsuko
Omae Kyoichi
Tanaka Tetsushi as Ochi Yosuke (ep1)
Matsuo Reiko as Kashiwara Satoko (ep1)
Higuchi Koji (ep1)
Obara Masato (小原雅人) as Moroka(ep1)
Shofukutei Matsunosuke (笑福亭松之助) as Shimada (ep1)
Utsumi Keiko as Tanaka Tomomi (ep1)
Kora Kengo as Sugihara Hiroki (ep1)
Mitamura Shuzo (三田村周三) as Tadokoro (ep1)
Ebisu Yoshikazu (ep1)
Sakuragi Kenichi (櫻木健一) as Mayama (ep1)
Sakuma Tetsu (佐久間哲) as Yasuhara (ep1)
Abe Katsunori (あべかつのり) as Shimizu (ep1)
Miura Mina (三浦三奈) as Kashiwabara Midori (ep1)
Harada Yoshio as Ukai Kohei (ep2)
Kitamura Yukiya as Takenouchi (ep4)
Production Credits
Screenwriters: Bisai Kenichi (尾西兼一), Mikami Kojiro (三上幸四郎)
Producer: Yaki Masao (家喜正男)
Directors: Yanagawa Tsuyoshi (柳川強), Doi Shohei(土井祥平)
Music: coba
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Keiji no Genba