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Zeni Geba

Zeni Geba


Title: 銭ゲバ
Title (romaji): Zeni Geba
Also known as: Money Crazy
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Drama, human
Episodes: 9
Viewership rating: 9.8 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2009-Jan-17 to 2009-Mar-14
Air time: Saturday 21:00
Theme song: Sayonara by Kariyushi 58


Gamagori Futaro has been poor since the day he was born. As a child his recklessly wasteful and abusive father sunk the family into debt and disappeared, leaving Futaro and his sick mother to fend for themselves. With no money to pay for medical treatment for his ailing mother, she eventually died. After her death Futaro became obsessed with money and willing to do anything for it. Several years pass and Futaro finds himself working at "Mikuni Shipbuilding" where he meets the company president's daughters Midori, who was his former classmate, and her younger sister Akane, who is disabled, and like Futaro, has a scarred face. In a plot to acquire their fathers company, Futaro begins to get close the sisters...


Matsuyama Kenichi as Gamagori Futaro (23)

as Nonomura Shinichi (ep4,6)

Saito Ryusei as young Futaro (11)
Mimura as Mikuni Midori (24)
Miyagawa Daisuke as Ogino Satoshi (36)
Kinami Haruka as Mikuni Akane (21)
Ishibashi Anna as Nonomura Yuka (16)
Suzuki Hiroki as Sugeta Jun (25)
Takuma Seiko as Nonomura Haruka (34)
Shiho as Kuwata Haruko (19)
Yamamoto Kei as Mikuni Joji (56)
Okunuki Kaoru as Gamagori Momoko (35)

as Hiroko (ep6)

Mitsuishi Ken as Nonomura Yasuhiko (48)
Ryo as Nonomura Shoko (36)
Shiina Kippei as Gamagori Kenzo (45)


Taguchi Tomorowo as Terada (ep1-2)
Kondo Koen as Ogino Hiroshi (ep1)
Morisako Ei as young Midori (ep1-2)
Tane Rakuko as homeless woman (ep1)
Miya Naoko as school official (ep1)
Yasoda Yuichi (八十田勇一) as doctor (ep1)
Harada Kento (原田賢人) (ep1)
Uesugi Futami (上杉二美) (ep1)
Hisamatsu Nobuyoshi (久松信美) (ep1)
Hirano Yasuyuki (平野靖幸) (ep1)
Yoshida Kakeru (吉田翔) (ep1)
Miyasaka Kenta as bully (ep1-2)
Kasuya Kenji as bully (ep1-2)
Ruuku (ルウク) (ep1-2)
Tanihata Kanato (ep2)
Harada Kento (原田賢人) (ep2)
Yoshida Kakeru (吉田翔) (ep2)
Imamura Ryo (今村稜) (ep2)
Sasaki Hinata (佐々木陽向) (ep2)
Nakajima Kazuya (中嶋和也) (ep2)
Okada Tadashi (岡田正) (ep2)
Tanaka Kei as Shirakawa Masaki (ep2-3)
Masana Bokuzo as Tanabe (ep2-3)
Someya Natsuko (染谷夏子) (ep2)
Kurosawa Sachiko (黒澤佐知子) (ep2)
Kubodera Akira (窪寺昭) (ep2)
Fuse Yoko (布施曜子) (ep2)
Emoto Tokio (柄本時生) as Edano Yoshio (ep4-5)
Fukasawa Arashi as Ogino Masayoshi (ep6)
Miyamoto Yuko (宮本裕子) as Ogino Kanae (ep6)

Production Credits

Original writing (manga): Zeni Geba by George Akiyama
Screenwriter: Okada Yoshikazu
Producers: Kono Hidehiro, Naniwa Toshiaki (難波利昭)
Directors: Otani Taro (ep1-2, 4,6,8-9), Kariyama Shunsuke (狩山俊輔) (ep3,5,7)
Music: Kaneko Takahiro (金子隆博)

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