Title: 絶壁
Tagline: 山岳警備隊・疾走る
Title (romaji): Zeppeki
Tagline (romaji): Sangaku Keibitai. Shissoru
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Human drama
Broadcast date: 2004-Dec-30
Air time: 19:30 to 20:45
The drama specially written by a popular screenwriter Inoue Yumiko on a man whose agony is soothed by his work of saving lives in mountains. Mizukoshi Takayuki, who works for Police Mountain Rescue Team of Toyama Prefectural Police, is having trouble in getting along with his wife's son from her previous marriage. As if to escape from the awkwardness at home, he concentrates on his work. One day, the rescue team receives a report that a girl is missing in the mountains. With the grandeur of Tateyama mountains in its backdrop, the drama portrays the journey of Mizukoshi's mind and looks into the meaning of a family and parent-child relationship.
Sugimoto Tetta
Terajima Shinobu
Muroi Shigeru
Shishido Kai (宍戸開)
Honda Hirotaro
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