Title: 妖怪人間べム
Title (romaji): Yokai Ningen Bem
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Supernatural adventure
Episodes: 10
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-22 to 2011-Dec-24
Air time: Saturdays 21:00
Theme songs:
Opening theme: Yokai Ningen Bem Theme, by Bem, Bela and Belo
Ending theme: BIRTH, by KAT-TUN
Bem (Kamenashi Kazuya), Bella (Anne) and Bello (Suzuki Fuku) are ugly monsters that are neither human nor animals, but they are peace-loving, righteous heroes who feel compelled to help humans in trouble. Because they are monsters, they are feared and detested by humans, and on top of that, pursued by the police. However, a friendship develops between them and a detective (Kitamura Kazuki) by mere accident. Through their contact with humans, Bem, Bella and Bello’s earnest wish to become human grow increasingly stronger. They battle evil for the sake of mankind, in the belief that they will be able to become humans one day … … --Jdrama Weblog
Kamenashi Kazuya as Bem
Anne as Bela
Suzuki Fuku as Belo
Kitamura Kazuki as Natsume
Hori Chiemi (堀ちえみ)
Sugisaki Hana
Konishi Mau (小西舞優)
Hayashi Rui (林遼威)
Agata Morio (あがた森魚)
Ishibashi Anna
Hirota Leona
Emoto Akira
Nagaoka Tasuku(永岡佑)
Nakamura Tomoya (ep1)
Kasai Shige (ep1)
Kodama Norikatsu (兒玉宣勝) (ep1)
Mitsuishi Ken (ep1)
Yonmura Yui (吉村唯) (ep1)
Kazama Shunsuke (ep2)
Matsunaga Hayato (松永隼) (ep2)
Hirata Mitsuru (ep3)
Okumura Tomofumi (ep3)
Hosoda Yoshihiko (ep3)
Konno Mahiru (ep4)
Saito Takumi (ep5)
Tanaka Tetsushi (ep6-7)
Hisamatsu Nobuyoshi 久松信美 (ep6)
Furutachi Kanji 古舘 寛治 (ep6-7)
Ayano Go (ep7)
Satoi Kenta (ep7)
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Yokai Ningen Bem