Title: ヴォイス
Title (English): Voice
Tagline: 命なき者の声
Tagline (romaji): Inochi Naki Mono no Koe
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Medical, mystery
Episodes: 11
Viewership rating: 14.5 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2009-Jan-12 to 2009-Mar-23
Air time: Monday 21:00
Theme song: Setsuna by GReeeeN
A group of five medical students take on the task of conveying the "voices of the dead."
Kaji Daiki fails to get into a popular heart surgery seminar but is somehow accepted into a seminar on forensic pathology. When he approaches professor Sagawa and asks him why he ended up in the seminar, Sagawa challenges him by asking why he wants to study heart surgery. Daiki replies that medicine is meaningless after the heart stops, but Sagawa counters that medicine also applies to the dead.
And so, together with fellow students Ryosuke, Kanako, Teppei and Akira, Daiki begins to explore the mysteries of death. --Tokyograph
Eita as Kaji Daiki
Kato Seishiro as young Daiki
Ikuta Toma as Ishimatsu Ryosuke
Ishihara Satomi as Kuboaki Kanako
Yamada Natsumi as young Kanako
Endo Yuya as Kirihata Teppei
Sato Tomohito as Hanei Akira
Izumiya Shigeru as Kaburagi Makoto
Yada Akiko as Natsuigawa Reiko
Tokito Saburo as Sagawa Fumihiko
Konno Hiromi (今野ひろみ) as the clerk
Ishimatsu General Hospital
Nadaka Tatsuo as Ishimatsu Takayuki (Ryosuke's father)
Sato Rika as Horii Natsumi (nurse)
Yamazaki Shigenori as Owada Satoshi (police detective)
Hamada Mari as Hanei Hoko (Akira's mother)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Kaneko Shigeki
Producers: Takiyama Madoka, Higashi Yasuyuki (東康之)
Directors: Narita Takeshi, Matsuyama Hiroaki, Ishii Yusuke (石井祐介)
Music: Yoshikawa Kei (吉川慶)
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