Title: タンブリング
Title (English): Tumbling
Tagline: 新体操が、オレ達をオトコにした / Shintaiso ga, oretachi o otoko ni shita
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Sports drama
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2010-Apr-17 start
Air time: Saturday 20:00
Theme Song: Manazashi by Honey L Days
Azuma Wataru, a third-year student at Karasumori High School, is a devil who strikes fear in the hearts of people. One day, Azuma is told by his form teacher that he has to participate in a club activity in order to make up for the lack of second-year students. The short-tempered Azuma cannot last long in whatever he does. At that moment, he learns that Satonaka Mari, the beautiful transfer student in his class, has joined the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club. He joins the male rhythmic sports gymnastics club, a club activity with very few people under the captain, Takenaka Yuta. They are ridiculed by the coach of the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club, and others, and are also hardly allowed to use the gym. However, when a sixth boy joins the club, Yuta decides to take part in a team competition with his long-sought six members …
Yamamoto Yusuke as Azuma Wataru
Seto Koji as Takenaka Yuta
Miura Shohei as Tsukimori Ryosuke
Daito Shunsuke as Kiyama Ryuichiro
Nishijima Takahiro as Hino Tetsuya
Tomiura Satoshi as Tsuchiya Satoshi
Yanagishita Tomo as Mizusawa Taku
Kaku Kento as Nippori Keiji
Tamoto Soran as Kaneko Atsushi
Okamoto Azusa as Satonaka Mari
Okamoto Rei as Asakura Aoi
Isaka Tatsuya as Akabane Reiji
Nakadoi Hiroki as Tsurumi Akihiko
Sato Jiro as Tashiro Shigeo
Kuninaka Ryoko as Ezaki Shoko
AKIRA as Kashiwagi Yutaka
Otsuka Nene as Azuma Natsuko
Ise Mihato as Sasaki Noriko
Okihara Issei as Konno Toru
Iriki Mari as Nakao Haruka
Kawashima Kenta as Shiramine Kazuhiko
Sano Norihito as Aoyama Yasuhiro (ep1)
Takahashi Tsutomu as Kitagawa (ep2)
Arai Moe as Nippori Hinako (ep2,3)
Shina Taizo (椎名鯛造) as Kono Takashi (ep4)
Awata Urara as Kono Noriko (ep4)
Jinbo Satoshi as Takasugi Naoya (ep5)
Masu Takeshi as Hino Masaharu (ep5)
Nagayama Takashi as Hino Shinichi (ep6)
Sano Kazuma as Yashiro Koichi (ep8-9)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Egashira Michiru, Shimizu Yukako, Watanabe Akira (渡辺啓)
Chief Producer: Kato Shoichi (加藤章一)
Producer: Arai Junko (新井順子), Yoneda Rie (米田理恵)
Director: Matsuda Ayato (松田礼人), Kuranuki Kenjiro (倉貫健二郎), Hama Kodai (浜弘大)
Music: Wada Takashi (和田貴史)
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