Title: 被取締役新入社員
Title (romaji): Torishimarare Yaku Shinnyu Shain
Also known as: Freshman Director
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Comedy
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast date: 2008-Mar-31
Airtime: Monday 21:00
Nobuo fails whatever he does, has always been treated like a fool, and cannot even talk with other people properly. Surprisingly enough, however, he passes the employment test for a worldwide advertising company and is hired by the company with a "director-level compensation package." However, the position given to him is "Directee" that is supposed to offer outlets for stress to all the employees of the company. --TBS
Moriyama Mirai
Jinnai Takanori
Kanjiya Shihori
Hosokawa Shigeki
Yamaguchi Sayaka
Oshinari Shugo
Iwasa Mayuko
Itao Itsuji
Utsui Ken
Naito Daisuke (内藤大助)
Noguchi Ken (野口健)
Kaga Mariko
Kaneda Akio
Takahata Atsuko
Kiritani Kenta
Nishihara Jun (西原純)
Irifune Kasumi (入船加澄実)
Mukai Masao (向井政生)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Horai Ryuta (蓬莱竜太)
Producer: Matsubara Hiroshi
Director: Yoshida Akio
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Torishimarare Yaku Shinnyu Shain