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Tantei Monogatari

Tantei Monogatari


Title: Tantei Monogatari
Title (English): Detective Story
Episode: 27
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 1979-1980


As the non-conformist, scooter-driving private eye Shunsaku Kudo, Matsuda played what in the eyes of many Japanese is his most pivotal role. Playing the protagonist as a laidback dandy, dragging his heels with an approach to work ethics influenced by his stretch as a cop in the US, the actor injected a dose of humour into what might otherwise have been another stock hardboiled investigator. Over 27 episodes, directed by such luminaries as Yasuharu Hasebe (Stray Cat Rock, Black Tight Killers) and Yugi series helmer Toru Murakawa, Detective Story became one of the most fondly remembered dramas in Japanese TV history. For those who have never seen a single episode, one look at the actor in his full Kudo attire - black suit, white tie, shades, curly hair sticking out from under his hat (he was the only man in history who looked cool even with a perm) - would suffice to gauge some of the impact the character made on the nation at large.


Yusaku Matsuda as Shunsaku Kudô (3 episodes, 1979-1980)
Mikio Narita as Hattori (3 episodes, 1979-1980)
Kaori Takeda as Kaori (3 episodes, 1979-1980)
Michihiro Yamanishi as Matsumoto (3 episodes, 1979-1980)
Nancy Cheney as Nancy (3 episodes, 1979-1980)
Jôji Sawada as Tamashima (2 episodes, 1979-1980)
Mami Yuki as Mari (2 episodes, 1979-1980)
Chigusa Takayama as Madam in the Restaurant (2 episodes, 1979-1980)
Mitsuko Baisho
Hyoei Enoki
Tetsurô Maeda
Osamu Shigematu

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