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Shinryonaikai Ryoko


Title: 心療内科医・涼子
Title (romaji): Shinryonaikai Ryoko
Also known as: The Doctor Is In
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Hospital drama
Episodes: 10
Viewership ratings: 14.0
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 1997-Oct-13 to 1997-Dec-15
Air time: Monday 22:00
Theme song:
  • Sofa by Le Couple
  • Sora yo by Muroi Shigeru

Each episode of this drama series features a new story and new patients in the psychotherapy division of a university hospital. Ryoko, the zany chief doctor, has a knack for getting to the root of her patients' woes, while at the same time testing the patience of the department head. But somehow the ward operates as a family structure, with the head nurse mothering everyone the depatrment head try to maintain strict control, and the doctors constantly at odds with each other over the best care for their patients. --YTVJapan


Muroi Shigeru
Terawaki Yasufumi
Kaai Gamon
Kurotani Tomoka
Yuuki Shinobu (結城しのぶ)
Enjo Keisuke (遠城啓輔)
Sekiguchi Tomohiro
Hoshino Yuka
Hino Yojin
Yoshitani Ayako (吉谷彩子)
Manda Hisako
Matsushima Nanako
Shinohara Ryoko
Okina Megumi
Enomoto Kanako
Ito Toshihito
Saito Yuki
Tanaka Ritsuko
Ikeda Maki (ep7)

Production Credits

Screenwriter: Morishita Nao (森下直), Kanaya Yuko (金谷祐子), Yokota Rie
Producer: Imai Norihiko (今井紀彦), Deguchi Takaomi (出口孝臣), Sato Take (佐藤丈)
Director: Kunimoto Masahiro, Sasaki Akimitsu (佐々木章光)
Music: Tore Johansson


15th Television Academy Awards: Best Actress: Muroi Shigeru
15th Television Academy Awards: Special Award: The challenge and difficulty to dramatize

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