Title: ROMES
Tagline: 空港防御システム
Tagline (romaji): Kuko Bogyo System
Tagline (English): Airport Security System
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Suspense
Episodes: 9
Viewership ratings: 5.2 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2009-Oct-15 to 2009-Dec-10
Air time: Thursday 20:00
Theme song: Mata Asa ga Kuru by TOKIO
Recently built on an artificial island, the (fictional) Tokyo Bay International Airport is equipped with the most advanced security system in the world, known as ROMES. To celebrate the airport's first anniversary, a gold statue called the "Goddess of Temptation" is placed on display at the airport. After an international group of thieves called Silverfox issues a challenge to the airport and begins exploiting the ROMES system, the director requests assistance from the brilliant Narishima Yuya, who knows the system the best out of anyone. Yuya's team of experts is assigned to combat this dangerous organization, which continues to escalate its activities. Meanwhile, Yuya himself has a different reason for coming to the airport... --Tokyograph
Okura Tadayoshi as Narushima Yuya
Yasuda Shota
Kuninaka Ryoko
Watanabe Hiroyuki
Sugiura Taiyo
Ogi Shigemitsu
Kawamura Yukie
Ikeda Tetsuhiro
Kondo Yoshimasa
Kusakari Masao
Production Credits
Original writing (novels): ROMES 06 and ROMES 06: Yuwaku no Megami by Gojo Akira (五條瑛)
Screenwriters: Saeki Toshimichi (佐伯俊道) (ep1-2), Yamaura Masahiro (山浦雅大) (ep2-3)
Director: Nagikawa Yoshiro (梛川善郎)
Music: Mori Yuya (森悠也)
Narration: Chris Peppler (クリス・ペプラー)
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