Title: 恋愛ニート~忘れた恋のはじめ方~
Title (romaji): Renai NEET~Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata~
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 9.06 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-20 to 2012-Mar-23
Air time: Friday 22:00
Theme song: Be... by Ms.OOJA
Nakama Yukie plays the role of Rin, who works at a publishing company and is someone who has not dated in 8 years. She has been too busy working and looking after her siblings after their parents passed away. Her colleagues and boss consider her "difficult" to handle because of her strong-willed personality.
One day, she goes to her best friend’s "divorce celebration" with Nanako who lives in the same apartment. There, she meets Matsumoto, a dentist, Tada, a researcher at a food manufacturing company, and Shunpei, a part time worker. Few days after the party, all three of them contact her but she has been out of the dating market for so long, she does not know what to do...
A unique comedic "love scramble" among 6 men and women who are in serious need of lessons on "how to date." -- TBS
Nakama Yukie as Kinoshita Rin
Tani Kanon as young Rin
Sasaki Kuranosuke as Matsumoto Naoya
Ichikawa Mikako as Watanabe Miho
Nagayama Kento as Makino Shunpei
Hashimoto Jun as Kamiyama Junichiro
Moriyama Eiji (森山栄治) as Kobayakawa Takashi
Nose Anna as Kawashima Saori
Honda Tsubasa (本田翼) as Kinoshita Yui
Nishiyama Jun (西山潤) as Kinoshita Itsuki
Aoki Junya (青木淳耶) as young Itsuki
Yuki Jutta as Takahashi Akira
Nagase Tasuku as Yamada Takuya
Sasaki Takuma as Nakamura Dai
Minami Shuhei (南周平) as Koizumi Toru
Onishi (オオニシ) as Tanabe Hajime
Muroi Shigeru as Amemiya Hiromi
Kaga Mariko as Matsumoto Satoko
Tanaka Yuji as Tada Kota
Ryo as Aizawa Nanako
Okada Kohki as Ito Masato (ep1,7-8)
Takezai Terunosuke as Sato Kazufumi (ep1,9)
Ito Masayuki as bookstore manager (ep1)
Fukuda Masato (福田まさと) as divorce ceremony host (ep1)
Iguchi Hiroyuki (井口浩之) as the delivery man (ep1)
Ikeuchi Naoki (池内直樹) as bookstore manager (ep1)
Miyaji Daisuke (宮地大介) as a dating agency staff (ep2-3)
Mukai Masao as a TV reporter (ep2)
Ware Zendo (我善導) as a dancer (ep2)
Sugawara Daikichi as the Chinese restaurant owner (ep3,6)
Uechi Haruna as a dating agency staff (ep3)
Tajiri Osamu (田尻宰) as Chinese restaurant staff (ep3,5-7)
Kumabe Yohei as attendant of dating agency event (ep4)
Yamazaki Katsuyuki as attendant of dating agency event (ep4)
Nakajima Jetaime (中嶌ジュテーム) as attendant of dating agency event (ep4)
Nakajo Saeko (中條サエ子) as PR company president (ep5)
Serikawa Kaede (芹川楓) as dental clinic staff (ep5,9)
Enoue Keiko (江上敬子) as the lingerie store staff (ep6)
Inoue Takahiro (井上貴博) as a couple (ep6)
nicola as a couple (ep6)
Yokoyama Megumi as Saito Taeko (ep6-7)
Ueda Mao as Ito Tomoko (ep7)
Kojima Hijiri as Okano Yukari (ep8)
Yamamoto Takaaki (山本匠晃) as a tv reporter (ep9)
Kusakari Masao as Nakazato Keigo (ep9)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Nagata Yuko
Producers: Takanari Mahoko (高成麻畝子), Suzuki Sanae, Shimura Akira (志村彰), Sekikawa Yuri
Directors: Takanari Mahoko (高成麻畝子) (ep1-2, 10), Ozawa Yuki (ep3-4, 7, 9) , Yoshida Akio (ep5, 8), Tanazawa Takayoshi (棚澤孝義) (ep6)
Music: Yamashita Kosuke
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Renai Neet ~Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata