Title: ザ・クイズショウ
Title (English): The Quiz Show
Format: Renzoku, across two seasons
Genre: Suspense, psychological
Broadcast network: NTV
Season 1
Episodes: 12
Broadcast period: 2008-Jul-06 to 2008-Sep-27
Air time: Saturday 24:55
Theme song: Paralyzed ocean by Pay money To my Pain
The Quiz Show features tormented characters in twelve episodes, with one common thread – the mysterious relationship between the deviant Producer and enigmatic Host of The Quiz Show. The Producer and the Host are both introduced in each episode in a dark asylum, the Producer look-ing put-together and strong, the Host ill-looking and without his memory. This short opening flashes into the dream-like set of "The Quiz Show." Each week a new contestant comes to play on the game show – little do they know that a dark secret deep within their past will be tested throughout the game. Each contestant highlights one of the Seven Deadly Sins – pride, gluttony, wrath, greed, sloth, lust and envy. They hide their public image behind an unforgivable sin they have committed. As they are asked questions from the Host, seven questions in total, the contestants are slowly forced to reveal details of their sins – will they lie under the pressure, or will the truth of their irremissible acts set them free? --NTV
Katagiri Jin as Tazaki Toru (host)
Totsugi Shigeyuki as Yamanobe Kengo (producer)
Yamamoto Koji as Murase Ryuichiro (ep1)
Takahashi Mai as Nitta Hitomi (ep2)
Sato Jiro as Smiley Kitajima (ep3-4)
Sato Eriko as Uchida Kiyomi (ep5-6)
Okada Yoshinori as Manaka Noboru (ep7-8)
Horiuchi Keiko as Makikura Ryoko (9-10)
Supporting Cast
Nakamura Yasuhi as The Quiz Show inviter
Tsumura Shiriyoshi (津村知与支) as television director
Kirishima Reika as Yamanobe Miyuki
Someya Natsuko (染谷夏子)
Ogura Takeshi (小椋毅) as Katsuragi Makoto (ep1)
Uchida Chika (内田慈) as Katsuragi Reiko (ep1)
Kodama Takashi as loan shark (ep1)
Anami Atsuko as Maezono Haruka (ep2)
Saeki Arata as Inoue Yuji (ep2)
Yashiro Shingo as Kawakami Shingo (ep2)
Yasuda Yushi (安田ユーシ) as Smiley Kitajima's manager (ep3-4)
Gorgeous (ゴージャス) (ep3)
Muro Tsuyoshi as Yanagiya Shiro (ep4)
Inukai Wakahiro (犬飼若博) (ep4)
Tozawa Yusuke (戸沢佑介) (ep4)
Ichikawa Chieko (市川千恵子) (ep4)
Watabe Aya (渡部彩) (ep4)
Shirota Teruhisa (城田晃久) (ep4)
Kinoshita Masanao (木下昌直) (ep4)
Yamanashi Hana (山梨ハナ) (ep4)
Takami Seiji (高見靖二) (ep4)
Ito Mamiko (伊藤麻実子) (ep5-6,12)
Iwamoto Yasuteru (岩本靖輝) (ep5)
Yamanaka Takashi (ep5)
Sakamoto Rio (坂本りお) (ep5-6)
Oshima Yoko as Kikuko (ep5-6)
Watanabe Tetsu as Kiyomi's father (ep5-6)
Miura Hideaki (三浦英明) (ep6)
Kudo Risa (ep6)
Miyano Mamoru (宮野真守) as Tadao (ep7-8)
Ogura Kaoru (小倉馨) (ep8)
Yamada Meikyo as Makimura Kozo (ep9-12)
Aoki Ryohei (ep12)
Production Credits
Screenwriters: Oikawa Takuro (及川拓郎), Horai Ryuta (蓬莱竜太), Totsugi Shigeyuki
Producers: Ikeda Kenji (池田健司), Moriya Takeshi
Directors: Oikawa Takuro (及川拓郎), Takahashi Hideaki (高橋秀明)
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The Quiz Show