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Pure Soul
Title: Pure Soul
Tagline: 君が僕を忘れても / Kimi ga Boku wo Wasuretemo
Tagline (English): Even if You Forget Me
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 12
Viewership ratings: 10.6%
Broadcast network: YTV
Broadcast period: 2001-04-09 to 2001-06-25
Air time: Monday 22:00
Theme songs: The Only One by Kiyotaka
Matorika by Ishida Issei
Related drama: Watashi no Atama no Naka no Keshigomu
Happily married to Koichi, 30-year-old Kaoru's world is shaken when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. Amidst this turmoil, they discover that Kaoru is pregnant. Deciding to keep the baby, they name their little girl Himawari. But Kaoru's condition worsens, and she begins to wonder what is left that she can do...for her husband and her daughter. Before she is no longer able, she begins to write a long letter to her daughter. Her heartfelt letter forms the backbone and narration of this touching drama series.
Nagasaku Hiromi as Seta Kaoru
Ogata Naoto as Takahara Kousuke
Terawaki Yasufumi as Shimada Kazuya
Morimoto Leo as Seta Tadashi
Muroi Shigeru as Kirino Machiko
Oguri Shun as Takahara Manabu
Ichige Yoshie as Seta Reiko
Nagasawa Masami as Seta Maru
Otani Naoko as Takahara Keiko
Taguchi Hiromasa
Production Credits
Producers: Horiguchi Yoshinori, Kimura Motoko, 霜田一壽
Directors: Marehiro Karaki (唐木希浩), Okamoto Koichi, 森田空海
Screenwriters: Egashira Michiru, Matsuda Yuuko (松田裕子)
Music: Fernando Moura, Marcos Suzano