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Otoko girai
Title: 男嫌い
Title (romaji): Otoko girai
Also known as: Averse to Men
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 1994-Jul-14 to 1994-Sep-22
Theme song: "Spy" by Makihara Noriyuki
This drama centers around three sisters with modern ambitions and dreams, and equally modern struggles with love. Work is hard to find, and marriage can wait. Their stories reveal the problems that women face today. --TBS
Kikuchi Momoko
Yamazaki Senri (山咲千里)
Matsumoto Akiko
Hisamoto Masami
Matoba Koji
Okada Kohki
Terawaki Yasufumi
Oura Ryuichi
Kaneda Akio
Ito Shiro
Kobayashi Susumu
Takachi Noboru
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Yoshida Noriko
Producers: Yagi Yasuo, Yokoi Naoyuki (横井直行)
Directors: Kiyohiro Makoto, Yokoi Naoyuki (横井直行), Isano Hideki
Episode Titles
Ep 01: 女の道 / Woman's Road
Ep 02: 美人の悲劇 / Beautiful Woman's Tragedy
Ep 03: キッスの嵐 / A Storm of a Kiss
Ep 04: 外泊3人娘 / 3 girls spending night away from home
Ep 05: 噂の真相 / The Truth in the Rumor
Ep 06: 涙の効き目 / The Tear's Effect
Ep 07: 最後の一線 / Last Line
Ep 08: 大逆転愛 / A Huge Reversal of Love
Ep 09: 揺れる想い / A Shaking Thought
Ep 10: 裏切り者! / Traitor!
Ep 11: 大結婚式 / Big Wedding