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Title: マルサ!!
Title (romaji): Marusa!!
Also known as: Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau
Tagline: 東京国税局査察部 / Tokyo Kokuzeikyoku Sasatsu-bu
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Investigation
Episodes: 12
Viewership ratings: 12.8%
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2003-Apr-08 to 2003-Jun-24
Air time: Tuesday 22:00
Theme song: GET HAPPY by Hoshimura Mai
The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau is made up of a few investigative divisions. As the name suggests, the ranking in terms of prestige, goes hand-in-hand with the division's number, with 1 being the elite team. This drama concentrates on the 3rd Division, which is led by Kuromachi Fujio. He has a small team of staff under him; Tsuburaya is the daughter of an ex-Marusa elite investigator, and she is basically the key person to all undercover investigations. Zaitsu Kazumi is the strategist in the team, while Yasuda is the one with all the technical know-how to come up with the gadgets required.
Every episode is a mini story on its own, with the 3rd Division team uncovering all the tax evasion tactics employed by all sorts of people. The tax evasion tactics are all very interesting and bizarre, but the undercover investigations to uncover them, are even more spectacular and unique.
Esumi Makiko as Tsuburaya Kanako
Kagawa Teruyuki as Zaitsu Kazumi
Miyake Ken as Tominaga Mitsuru
Ikeda Maki as Hojo Chihiro
Nagai Masaru as Takahata Riki
Sato Jiro as Yasuda Nobuo
Nekoze Tsubaki as Kawase Ryoko
Azuma Mikihisa as Kuramochi Fujio
Satoi Kenta as Nayatani Toshiaki
Shimao Yasuhito (嶋尾康史) as Yashiro Osamu
Watari Tetsuya as Kokuryo Chikara
Hiraizumi Sei (ep1)
Nomura Mami (ep2)
Hironaka Maki (弘中麻紀) (ep2)
Ueda Koichi (ep3)
Yamaguchi Miyako (ep3)
Henmi Emiri (ep4)
Kuruma Dankichi (車だん吉) (ep4)
Murai Kunio (ep5)
Sawatari Minoru (佐渡稔) (ep5)
Kurusu Shuji (来須修二) (ep5)
Azuma Chizuru (ep6)
Shibata Rintaro (柴田林太郎) (ep6)
Ishida Hoshi (ep6)
Hashimoto Satoshi (ep6)
Matsuzawa Kazuyuki (ep7)
Ozawa Maju (ep7)
Ito Yuko (ep7)
Yoshii Rei (ep7)
Yoshida Hideko (ep8)
Uchida Shungiku (内田春菊) (ep8)
Ishiguro Ken (ep9)
Hayashi Tsuyoshi (ep9)
Yamada Tatsuo (山田辰夫) (ep9)
Nishimura Junji (西村淳二) (ep9)
Takahashi Hitomi (ep10)
Sasaki Sumie (ep10)
Moriguchi Yoko (ep11)
Musaka Naomasa (ep11-12)
Shikauchi Takashi (鹿内孝) (ep11)
Aijima Kazuyuki (ep12)
Okuma Ichiro
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Todayama Masashi, Tanaka Erika (田中江里夏), Inaba Kazuhiro (稲葉一広)
Producer: Ando Kazuhisa (安藤和久), Sashida Takayuki (指田貴行), Kamiyama Akiko (神山明子), Tsukada Tetsuya (塚田哲也)
Director: Wakamatsu Setsuro, Motohashi Keita (本橋圭太), Miyake Yoshishige, Ishikawa Tsuyoshi (石川剛)
Music: Sumitomo Norihito