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Title: マラソン
Title (English): Marathon
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Human drama
Viewership ratings: 15.2
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast date: 2007-Sep-20
Air time: Thursday 21:00


A remake of the 2005 Korean movie "Marathon", this special is about an autistic boy guided by his mother and his coach in training for a marathon.


Ninomiya Kazunari as Miyata Shotaro
Yoshikawa Fumiki (吉川史樹) as the young Shotaro
Tanaka Misako as Miyata Harue
Naito Takashi as Miyata Nobuaki
Uwamori Hiroyuki (上森寛元) as Miyata Keitaro
Sakurai Sachiko as Okamura Sanae
Matsuoka Masahiro as Noguchi Yoji
Yamazaki Hajime
Kaneda Akio

Production Credits

Original writing: Park Mi Gyeong (朴美景,パク・ミギョン) Hashire, Byeong-jin! (trans. Hasuike Kaoru (蓮池薫))
Screenwriter: Terada Toshio
Planning: Yamazaki Tsunenari (山崎恆成)
Producer: Yamazaki Tsunenari, Yoshida Ken
Director: Yoshida Ken
Music: Kasamatsu Yasuhiro (笠松泰洋)

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