Title: ラッキーセブン
Title (romaji): Lucky Seven
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Detective, comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 15.6% (Kanto)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-16 to 2012-Mar-19
Air time: Monday 21:00
Theme song: Wild At Heart by Arashi
7 detectives, each with their own unique style in problem solving, work at the same detective agency. Each detective is in charge of their own case file until one day, the cases somehow seem to tangle up together into one big mystery. Inevitably, the detectives are left with no choice but to team up together in tackling the intriguing, but complex mystery. Despite differing opinions and amidst complications, the detectives work together to unravel the truth behind the suspect's agenda.
Tokita Shuntaro is a freshman detective who has the tendency of sticking his head in things too far out of sympathy or excessive emotions towards his clients or research objects. This trait leads him to take unnecessary steps, ones that often times lead him to trouble.
Contrary to Shuntaro, Nitta Teru is a well composed detective. He eyes Shuntaro with a cold stare and often times conflicts with his opinions. Watching over Shuntaro and Teru like a big brother is Asahi Junpei, a senior detective who goes in between the two and tries to settle their disputes but instead ends up complicating the situation.
Filled with "action", "comedy", and "positive thinking", the action packed entertainment show is sure to appeal to the entire family from children to adults. The team of 7 detectives with differing opinions, bold character, laughs, thrilling moments and high scale action will keep you on your toes at all times. Not a moment shall be missed! -- Fuji TV
Matsumoto Jun as Tokita Shuntaro
Eita as Nitta Teru
Naka Riisa as Mizuno Asuka
Kadono Takuzo as Tsukushi Masayoshi
Tanihara Shosuke as Makabe Ryu
Fukiishi Kazue as Kirihara Yuki
Kaneda Akio as Goto Shoji
Iriki Mari as Kayano Mei
Koyama Keiichiro as Tokita Koujiro
Goto Soujin as Tokita Shota
Okae Kumiko as Tokita Yuriko
Oizumi Yo as Asahi Junpei
Matsushima Nanako as Fujisaki Touko
Okouchi Hiroshi (ep1)
Shimizu Megumi (ep1,3,8,10)
Matsumoto Wakana as Mika (ep1)
Mizuhashi Kenji as Matsura Takumi (ep1)
Midori Yurie as Matsura Matsuna (ep1)
Sakuma Tetsu (佐久間哲) (ep1)
Takei Yosuke (竹井洋介) (ep1)
Uchigasaki Tsutomu (内ヶ崎ツトム) (ep1)
Jou Kirian (仗桐安) (ep1,3)
Sai Akihiko (西明彦) (ep1)
Natsuki (夏月) as heroine of Shiritsu Tantei Makabe Ryu (ep1-2)
Sakai Hiroshi (酒井博史) (ep1)
Iwamoto Junya (岩本淳也) (ep1)
Hayashida Naoki (林田直樹) (ep1)
Nemoto Taiju (根本太樹) (ep1)
Sato Kouichi (佐藤宏一) (ep1)
Ishido Kentaro (石戸健太郎) (ep1)
Miyake Katsuji (三宅克治) (ep1)
Tsunoda Akihiko (角田明彦) (ep1-2)
Ota Takafumi (太田鷹史) (ep1)
Ayu Yuki as Sasaoka Miki (ep2)
Hiraga Masaomi (ep2)
Takao Taka (たかお鷹) (ep2)
Kibe Kimiyoshi (岐部公好) as Deputy Chief Tanashi (ep2,5,10)
Ogawa Ryuichi (小川隆市) (ep2)
Lily Franky as Sasaoka Mitsuo (ep2)
Tsurumi Shingo as Minegishi (ep2)
Abe Shohei (阿部翔平) as researcher at Stella-Bio Inc (ep2)
Itagaki Katsumi (板垣克) (ep2)
Sakata Naoki (ep2)
Sasaki Yukiko (佐々木幸子) (ep2)
Furuta Hiroyuki (古田浩之) (ep2)
Shigeyoshi Aya (重佳綾) (ep2)
Hatakeyama Tsumugi (畠山紬) as Okamoto Yayoi (ep3)
Manbo Yashiro (マンボウやしろ) as Satoru (ep3)
Omiya Taro as Minenaga Kenichi (ep3-5)
Takigawa Eri (滝川恵理) (ep3)
Ito Reiko (伊藤れいこ) (ep3)
Utahara Nao (歌原奈緒) (ep3)
Sawai Miyuu (ep3)
Konno Mahiru as Mizusawa Sakiko /Okamoto Sae (ep3)
Tonesaku Toshihide as Minowa Kazunori (ep3)
Toji Takao as the landlord (ep3)
Katsuhira Tomoko (勝平ともこ) (ep3-4)
Minami Kazue (南一恵) as Minowa's mother (ep3)
Sakagi Keiichiro (逆木圭一郎) (ep3-5)
Yamasaki Yuki (山崎夕貴) (ep3)
Machimiya Ako (町宮亜子) (ep3)
Tamaki Yuya (玉置祐也) (ep4-5)
Masana Bokuzo as Hayashibara Hiroshi (ep4-5)
Nishiyama Mayuko as Nitta Masuko (ep5)
Ito Kojun as the real Hayashibara Hiroshi (ep5)
Takemoto Junpei (竹本純平) (ep5)
Yamaguchi Miyoko (山口みよ子) (ep5)
Mori Yoshiyuki (ep5)
Sato Masahiro (佐藤匡泰) (ep5,9-10)
Ikeda Hitoshi (ep5)
Matsunaga Mari (松永麻里) (ep5)
Nomaguchi Toru as Shikishima (ep6)
Garigarigarikuson (ガリガリガリクソン) (ep6)
KHAN (ep6)
Umali Thilakarathna (ep6)
Iida Kisuke as Kobayashi Tamotsu (ep6)
Kobayashi Katsuya (小林勝也) (ep7)
Tano Asami (田野アサミ) as Yamashita Satoko (ep7)
Nakagoshi Noriko as Chisaki Youko (ep7)
Mizuno Kumi (水野久美) as Nakamura Tome (ep7)
Mochizuki Fumio (望月章男) as a JAL mechanic (ep7)
Otake Shusaku (大竹周作) as a waiter (ep7)
Odagiri Hajime (小田桐一) as Naito Kazuki's cousin (ep7)
Takahashi Haruna as a JAL staff (ep7)
Kubo Akira as Toake (ep8)
Yokoo Kayoko (横尾香代子) (ep8)
Shaku Yumiko as Izuka Tsukiko (ep8)
Maekawa Yasuyuki as Tatefuji Shinsaku (ep8)
Kikuchi Kinya as Noda (ep8)
Hosoda Yoshihiko as Shindo Makoto (ep8)
Nakamaru Shinsho (ep8)
Murakami Wataru (村上航) (ep8)
Nimura Shunsuke (仁村俊祐) (ep8)
Kitagami Fumio (北上史欧) (ep8)
Ichiyama Hidetaka (市山英貴) (ep8)
Kumakura Isao (熊倉功) (ep8)
Otaka Akira as Fujisaki Masato (ep9-10)
Kaho as Mochizuki Shiori (ep9-10)
Nagai Masaru (ep9-10)
Mimoto Masanori (三元雅芸) (ep9)
Okuda Erika as Makitani Yukari (ep9)
Sakamoto Mitsunari (坂本三成) (ep9-10)
EMI (ep9)
Yokota Emi (横田恵美) (ep9)
Aoki Hajime (ep10)
Miyashita Tomomi as Tokita Kyoko (ep10)
Kawamoto Kouji (川本耕史) (ep10)
Tanoue Ikuumi (田之上生海) (ep10)
Horiuchi Toshinari (堀内俊成) (ep10)
Noda Yuji (野田諭司) (ep10)
Yajima Kazunori (矢島―憲) (ep10)
Kaga Takeshi as Yagami Keisuke (ep10)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Hayafune Kaeko (早船歌江子), Nogi Akiko (野木亜紀子), Kanazawa Tatsuya (金沢達也)
Producer: Shigeoka Yumiko, Sekiguchi Daisuke (関口大輔)
Assistant Producer: Kanai Takuya (金井卓也)
Director: Sato Shinsuke, Narita Gaku (成田岳), Hirano Shin
Music: Tim Wynne
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Lucky Seven