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Kin no Tamago
Title: 金のたまご
Title (romaji): Kin no Tamago
Also known as: The Golden Egg / Children of Promise / Golden Kids
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 12
Viewership ratings: 12.6
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 1997-Jul-03 to 1997-Sep-18
Air time: Thursday 21:00
Theme song: Natsu da mon by Hirose Komi
Any parent wants to give his children all the advantages they can possibly have--some parents go overboard. Izumi (Asano Yuko) enrolls her daughter in a performing arts group against the wishes of her husband and mother-in-law, and soon turns into a stage mother. --KIKU TV
Asano Yuko
Kataoka Tsurutaro
Nagasaku Hiromi
Watanabe Ikkei
Fukaura Kanako
Ukaji Takashi
Nomura Chisa (野村知沙)
Igarashi Mizuho (五十嵐瑞穂)
Akiyama Takuya (秋山拓也)
Kokubun Taichi
Umemiya Tatsuo
Yamaoka Hisano
Inoue Mao
Production Credits
Producer: Nishiguchi Noriko (西口典子)
Directors: Yamada Takamichi (山田高道), Matsubara Shingo (松原信吾), Suzuki Toshimasa (鈴木利正), Ikezoe Hiroshi (池添博)
Screenwriter: Sekine Toshio (関根俊夫)
Music: Iwashiro Taro