Title: 歸國
Title: Kikoku
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Human drama, fantasy, war
Episodes: 1
Viewership ratings: 14,7
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2010-Aug-14
Air time: 21:00
An unscheduled late night train arrives at Tokyo station on 15 August, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. Boarding the train are spirits of great men who died honourable deaths in the war more than 60 years ago. They have come to the modern world to see their homeland as a peaceful country and to tell the lingering spirits of the war dead about the current conditions.
Beat Takeshi as private first class Oomiya
Oguri Shun as sublieutenant Kitani
Horikita Maki as Kasai Youko (past)
Yachigusa Kaoru as Kasai Youko (present)
Mukai Osamu as sublieutenant Kusaka
Tsukamoto Takashi as first lieutenant Takeshita
ARATA as corporal Shimura
Endo Yuya
Nukumizu Youichi
Namase Katsuhisa
Ishizaka Koji
Oida Yoshi (笈田 ヨシ)
Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi (長渕剛
Production Credits
Original writing: Hiroshi Muneta (棟田 博)
Screenwriter: Kuramoto Sou
Producer: Yasuo Yagi (八木康夫), Maki Akira (真木明), Yasuda Osuki (吉田雄生)
Director: Kamoshita Shinichi (鴨下信一)
Music: name
Kikoku is based on the 1955 short story "Saipan Kara Kita Ressha," written by the late author Hiroshi Muneta.
It will also be adapted as a stage play.
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