Title: 介護エトワール
Title (romaji): Kaigo Etoile
Title (English): Nursing Care Star
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Human drama
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2006-Sep-18
Air time: 22:00 to 23:15
A story of a young woman who takes care of her elderly father with dementia. Yoko Baba, a prima ballerina, receives a call from her brother's wife just before a stage performance. Her sister-in-law tells that Yoko's father, Kamenosuke, has developed dementia and is in need of home nursing care. Yoko comes back to her parents' home in Osaka to talk with her family. However, Yoko's mother refuses to take care of her husband, being unable to forgive his numerous extramarital affairs in the past. Yoko's two brothers are unwilling to nurse Kamenosuke also. Though her career as a ballerina is at a crucial stage and she wishes to accept her boyfriend's marriage proposal, Yoko makes up her mind to take care of Kamenosuke herself.
Hara Sachie as Baba Yoko
Hosokawa Shigeki
Komoto Masahiro
Nishikawa Takanori
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Kaigo Etoile