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Isshou Wasurenai Monogatari


Title: 一生忘れない物語
Title (romaji): Isshou Wasurenai Monogatari
Format: Tanpatsu, in three parts
Genre: Romance
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Broadcast period: 2006-Sep-30
Air time: Saturday 00:30

This drama special has three parts, each scripted for songs by the duo Kobukuro.

Isshou Wasurenai Monogatari

Soko ni Ita Kaze

Title: そこにいた風
Title (romaji): Soko ni Ita Kaze
Theme song: Kaze by Kobukuro


"If I die, maybe I'll turn into the wind... Because no matter how far apart we are, I'll always be by your side..." Those were the last words Shiina Toriko heard from her lover Keita before he died in an accident two years ago. Since then, she's lived a life devoid of joy and laughter, folding paper airplanes and pinwheels everyday and reminiscing on Keita's fondness for the wind. But one day, that same wind would carry a new spark of life to Toriko.


Kanno Miho as Shiina Toriko
Koide Keisuke as Takeshi
Maekawa Yasuyuki as Keita

Production Credits

Screenwriter: Yoshida Tomoko
Producers: Shimakawa Hiroatsu (島川博篤), Nakagome Takuya (中込卓也), Jouhou Hidenori (城宝秀則)
Associate producer: Ogura Hisao
Director: Jouhou Hidenori (城宝秀則)

Isshou Wasurenai Monogatari

Million Films

Theme song: Million Films by Kobukuro


Kawashima Aoi is a high-school student with a crush on her childhood friend, Yuusuke. One day when Yuusuke asks her to go shopping for a birthday present with him, Aoi dresses to impress, thinking that the present is for her since her 16th birthday is coming near. At school one day, she sees Yuusuke handing the present to another girl and asking her out, and Aoi can do little but hold her feelings back. But when things don't turn out as Yuusuke had hoped, Aoi can't stand watching on the sidelines.


Narumi Riko as Kawashima Aoi
Tochihara Rakuto as Aoi Yuusuke
Komatsu Ayaka as Nakano Ayumi

Production Credits

Screenwriter: Sato Kumiko (佐藤久美子)
Producers: Shimakawa Hiroatsu (島川博篤), Nakagome Takuya (中込卓也), Emori Hiroko (江森浩子)
Associate producer: Ogura Hisao
Director: Takamaru Masataka (高丸雅隆)

Isshou Wasurenai Monogatari

Towa ni Tomo ni

Title: 永遠にともに
Title (romaji): Towa ni Tomo ni
Theme song: Towa ni Tomo ni by Kobukuro


After one disappointing year of marriage, Taniguchi Madoka asks her husband Junpei for a divorce and returns to life as a single woman, absorbing herself in her job at a furniture shop. Although she won't admit it, she begins to find single life somehow empty. When she returns home to find her apartment has been burglarized, she suddenly turns to Junpei for help. He offers to stay over at her place for one night, and as the two spend time together, Madoka suddenly summons the courage to tell Junpei the secret she's been keeping all this time.


Hara Sachie as Taniguchi Madoka
Kaneko Takatoshi as Taniguchi Junpei
Umoto Yuki (兎本有紀) as Iwano Tomoko

Production Credits

Screenwriter: Ogawa Mizuki (小川みづき)
Producers: Shimakawa Hiroatsu (島川博篤), Nakagome Takuya (中込卓也), Iga Nobuko (伊賀宣子)
Associate producer: Ogura Hisao
Director: Tsuzuki Junichi

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