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Ikemen Sobaya Tantei
Title: イケ麺そば屋探偵
Title (romaji): Ikemen Sobaya Tantei
Tagline: いいんだぜ! / Iindaze!
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Comedy, mystery
Broadcast network: NTV
Air time: Saturday 24:55
Theme song: Iindaze by Fujiki Naohito
Worried about her younger brother Juntaro's future, Itako visits the soba restaurant that Juntaro runs. The store is known as the "Ikemen Sobaya," due to the good looks of Juntaro and the part-time delivery boys. Itako discovers that Juntaro does more than just work at the shop - he also happens to work as a detective who solves a lot of incidents around the neighborhood. Juntaro is also surrounded by a cast of strange characters, such as the gay president of a local talent agency and a detective who is constantly at odds with Juntaro. --Tokyograph
Fujiki Naohito as Higuchi Juntaro
Horiuchi Keiko as Higuchi Itako
Furuta Arata as Ikeda Masahiko
Namase Katsuhisa as Kuroda Kinzo
Yasoda Yuichi (八十田勇一) as YasoYama brother (Season 2)
Yamanishi Atsushi (山西惇) as YasoYama brother (Season 2)
Season 1
Episodes: 13
Broadcast period: 2009-Apr-04 to 2009-Jun-27
Delivery Boys
Kyo Nobuo as Koji (ep1-4)
Kawahara Kazuma as Yuji (ep1-4, 12-13)
Tomimori Andrew (冨森アンドリュー) as Andrew (ep5-6)
Tomimori Justin (冨森ジャスティン) as Justin (ep5-9, 12-13)
Kimisawa Yuki as Yuki (ep7-13)
Kaneko Tadashi (金子直史) as Tetsuji (ep9-10)
Ebisawa Kenji (海老澤健次) as Kenji (ep12-13)
Kido Yuya as Yuya (ep12-13)
Takenaka Naoto as Hoissura Hosoguchi (ep1-2)
Nakagoshi Noriko (ep3-4)
Sato Eriko (ep5-6)
Kuroki Hitomi (ep8-9)
Kaho (ep8-9)
Rokkaku Shinji (ep8-9)
Kyomoto Masaki (ep10-11)
Matsuo Takashi (松尾貴史) (ep10-11)
Tanimura Mitsuki (ep12-13)
Ueda Shinya (上田晋也) (ep12-13)