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Hashiran ka!
Title: 走らんか!
Title (romaji): Hashiran ka!
Also known as: Run!
Episodes: Unknown x 15 minutes
Viewership ratings: Ep1=25.1, High=28.0, Avg=20.5
Genre: Asadora drama, human drama
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1995-Oct-2 to 1996-Mar-30
Air time: Monday thru Saturday
Theme Song: I Say Hello, by DUAL DREAM
Series Synopsis
The 53rd NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Hashiran ka!. Story's settings includes Fukuoka (Hakata).
Mikuni Kazuo as Maeda Ushio (hero, age 21)
Nakashimoto Kenjiro as Nakamura Kosuke
Isono Kiriko as Maeda Tamami
Madoka Hiroshi as Koga Ryiuchi
Kusakari Masao as Okamura Shigeru
Murata Takehiro as Maeda Eiji
Kato Haruhiko
Nakae Yuri
Kanno Miho
Tamba Tetsuro Maeda Yonekichi
Kinomi Nana as Maeda Kuniko
Komatsu Masao
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Kaneko Shigeto
The opening credits show the annual traditional Fukuoka festival called Yamakasa (山笠), which is basically a race between teams of men, each representing different districts within the city. The men dress in shimekomi, which are loin cloths worn by sumo wrestlers (other areas of Japan call them fundoshi.) They lift a float, weighing several thousand pounds, and then carry the float through a set course. The fastest team wins the event.