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Double Score
Title: ダブル スコア
Title (English): Double Score
Genre: Police drama
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2002-Oct-08 to 2002-Dec-17
Air time: Tuesday 21:00
Theme song: It Takes Two by CHEMISTRY
This is the story of two cops. One doesn't care about getting promoted and wants to be like an American cop. His arrest record is 95% but he has to file a report for just about the same amount of cases because of the way he makes arrests. The other is a clean and cool cop that does everything by the book. The next chapter in this rookie's book is all but written.
These two very different personalities are assigned to work as partners on everyday, run-of-the-mill cases. At first, everyone thinks that they will never be able to work together. But they prove everyone completely wrong, as they go on to solve one case after the other on the streets of Tokyo.
This delightful story of two detectives makes its way into the Fuji Television fall line-up. Like the fast-paced Miami Vice and Beverly Hills Cops, "Double Score" promises to pioneer an all new genre of detective story! --Fuji TV
Sorimachi Takashi
Oshio Manabu
Sudo Risa
Murakami Rikako
Shimizu Kyo (清水響)
Okada Yoshinori
Ishimaru Kenjiro
Anan Kenji
Aijima Kazuyuki
Yamazaki Yuta
Suho Reiko
Hozono Yumiko
Mizuno Haruka
Tsuruta Shinobu
Yamazaki Gakudai (山崎画大)
Shigeno Yoshiyuki (滋野由之)
Nagashima Toshiyuki (ep1,2)
Murai Katsuyuki (村井克行) (ep1,2)
Yazawa Shin (ep1,2)
Muramatsu Toshifumi (ep1,2)
Furumoto Shinnosuke (古本新之輔) (ep1,2)
Uehara Misa (ep3)
Matsushige Yutaka (ep4)
Satoi Kenta (ep4)
Goda Hozumi (郷田ほづみ) (ep5)
Suwa Taro (ep5)
Kitaro (ep6)
Otaka Hiroo (ep6)
Sawatari Minoru (佐渡稔) (ep6)
Toji Takao (ep6)
Kawamata Shinobu (川俣しのぶ) (ep6)
Masuda Yukio (ep6)
Takasugi Ko (ep7)
Yajima Kenichi (ep8)
Arizono Yoshiki (有薗芳記) (ep8)
Tsuruoka Osamu (鶴岡修) (ep8)
Yoshino Kimika (ep9)
Matsuda Kenji (ep10)
Ishida Taro (ep11)
Mizukawa Asami (ep11)
Ida Kunihiko (ep11)
Namiki Shiro (ep11)
Mashima Hidekazu (ep11)
Nishioka Ryuichiro (西岡竜一朗) (ep11)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Terada Toshio
Producers: Takayama Naoya, Amazawa Akira (天沢彰)
Directors: Hirano Shin, Murakami Shosuke (村上正典), Kobayashi Yoshinori
Music: Haishima Kuniaki (蓜島邦明)