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Dokushin 3
Title: 独身 3
Title (romaji): Dokushin 3
Also known as: 3 Bachelors
Genre: Love Comedy
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 6.7
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Broadcast period: 2003-Oct-10 to 2003-Dec-19
Air time: Friday 23:15
Theme song: "Kurisumasu ni kuchi duke wo" by myco~CML
See how the three not-so-cool guys are hilariously hung up with delusion of romance. Can they come up with the right tactics and strategy to eventually attract a charming woman? Here starts a funny competition toward true love. Originally from a best-selling comic book! --TV Asahi
Endo Shozo
Yamamoto Keiichi (山本圭壱)
Yamazaki Shigenori
Sato Hitomi
Kyokuyama Eri
Shioyama Misako (塩山みさこ)
Nukumizu Youichi
Igakou Tarou
Sano Shiro
Kaneko Noboru
Kurita Riko
Umezawa Masayo
Production Credits
Original writing: Rodriguez Inosuke (ロドリゲス井之介)
Screenwriter: Fukuda Yuichi (福田雄一), Mizuno Munenori (水野宗徳), Ono Toshiya (大野敏哉)
Producer: Uchiyama Seiko (内山聖子), Moriya Takeshi, Taniko Hiroko (谷古浩子)
Director: Sugiyama Noboru (杉山登), Hijikata Masato (土方政人), Tazawa Naoki (田澤直樹)
Music: Nakanishi Kyo