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Climber's High
Title: クライマーズ・ハイ
Title (English): Climber's High
Format: 2-part tanpatsu
Genre: Human drama
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2005-Dec-10 and 2005-Dec-17
Air time: Saturday 21:00-22:15
A story of a press reporter who finds the meaning of life through his experiences as a reporter and mountain climbing. On August 12, 1985, the worst plane crash in the world occurred in Gunma Prefecture. Kazumasa Yuki, a reporter of a local newspaper who happened to have planned to challenge Mount Tanigawa with one of his colleagues on the day, is assigned to take charge of reporting the accident. In the struggle to cover the chaotic accident scene, he is faced with the significance of life and family ties. Twenty years later, when he is going to retire, Yuki climbs Mount Tanigawa to look back his life. Based on a story by Yokoyama Hideo.
Sato Koichi as Yuki Kazumasa
Matsushige Yutaka as Kishi Bunpei
Mitsuishi Ken as Tazawa Naoto
Omori Nao as Sayama Tatsuya
Arai Hirofumi as Kanzawa Natsuhiko
Yasui Kenichiro as Mochizuki Ryota
Okamoto Nobuto as Inaoka Shinya
Ishii Kenichi as Kameshima Kaku
Tachibana Yukiko (橘ユキコ)
Kuon Sayaka (久遠さやか) as Yoda Chizuko
Akai Hidekazu as Anzai Koichiro
Kishibe Ittoku as Todoroki Ryuji
Tanimoto Hajime (谷本一) as Moriya Masashi
Owada Shinya as Kazuya Nobuteru
Shiomi Sansei as Tsuimura Tadashi
Watabiki Katsuhiko as Ito Yasuo
Sugiura Naoki as President Shirakawa
Miho Jun as Yuki Yumiko (Kazumasa's wife)
Kishimoto Kayoko as Anzai Sayuri (Koichiro's wife)
Takahashi Issei as Anzai Rintaro (Koichiro's son)
Ishihara Satomi as Mochizuki Ayako (Ryota's cousin)
Ibu Masato as Suetsugu Isao (Koichiro's mountain climbing friend)
Terajima Susumu as the mountain climbing instructor
Nakamura Yuko (中村優子) as the woman of the bereaved
Yamanaka So
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Omori Sumio (大森寿美男)
Directors: Shimizu Kazuhiko (清水一彦), Inoue Go (井上剛)
Music: Otomo Yoshihide (大友良英)