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Title: 朝食亭
Title (romaji): Choshokutei
Format: Tanpatsu
Broadcast network: WOWOW
Broadcast date: 2009-Feb-28
Air time: Saturday 20:00


The show centers on Choshokutei, a small restaurant in Tokyo's Taito ward, where a group of ten local residents share breakfast every morning before the shop opens. Each leads a troubled life, but they find comfort in their common meal, even though they don't say much to each other. One day, they learn that the drunk driver who killed the restaurant owner's son four years ago is about to be released from prison. At the time of his death, the son had uttered his final words to his wife-to-be, but in reality those words had been meant for Misako, an OL who is one of the ten people sharing breakfast at Choshokutei. Slowly, the truth of the past comes out. --Tokyograph


Seto Asaka as Takami Misako
Kanie Keizo
Takeshita Keiko
Ikeuchi Hiroyuki
Katase Nana
Otaki Hideji
Takahata Atsuko
Tayama Ryosei
Matoba Koji
Ishimaru Kenjiro
Maeda Ai
Shundo Mitsutoshi (俊藤光利)
Hojo Takahiro
Tanaka Yuto (田中雄土)
Onishi Fuka (大西風香)

Production Credits

Original writing: Choshokutei by Nishida Koji (西田耕二)
Screenwriter: Egashira Michiru
Producers: Kamatani Shoichiro (釜谷正一郎), Masumoto Yukiko (升本由喜子), Ishii Mihoko (石井美保子)
Director: Kurosawa Naosuke (黒沢直輔)
Music: Itokawa Reiko (糸川玲子)

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