Title: バブル
Title (English): Bubble
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2001-Jan-05 to 2001-Mar-23
Air time: Friday 21:15
Theme song: "My Way" by The Gipsy Kings
It's the glittering 80s, and Japan's bubble economy is in full swing. There is a fortune to be made for those who have the brains, determination and pure luck. Tetsuya and Tomoyo are two ordinary, but ambitious people in their prime who have chosen to take part in the money game. They hook up with self-made billionaire Okitsu, who guides them through the "Bubble." A master of the game, Okitsu plays for revenge, not money. He conspires to destroy Kurihara, a ruthless financier whose sole weakness is his only daughter. The plot twists amid a complex web mired in greed, desire and dreams. Spinning with intrigue, the ultimate game of wits has begun for stakes too deadly to imagine.
Takashima Masanobu
Saijo Hideki (西城秀樹)
Watase Tsunehiko
Henmi Emiri
Kato Kazuko
Aso Yumi
Karato Ryo
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Kamata Toshio (鎌田敏夫)
Producer: Kida Yukinori (木田幸紀)
Music: Senju Akira
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