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Bitter Sugar
Title: ビターシュガー
Title (romaji): Bitter Sugar
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Drama
Episodes: 10
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-18 to 2011-Dec-20
Air time: Tuesday 22:55 - 23:24
Theme song: Machigai Darake no Diary by Yaida Hitomi
The story portrays three women around the age of 40 whose friendship is damaged in an incident, leading them to tell each other how they truly feel. --Tokyograph
Wakui Emi
Suzuki Sawa
Cunning Takeyama
Hakamada Yoshihiko
Oshinari Shugo
Arakawa Chika
Inoue Waka
Togi Hideki
Toyohara Kosuke