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Bancha mo Debana


Title: 番茶も出花
Title (romaji): Bancha mo Debana
Also known as: Freshly Brewed Beginnings
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human family drama
Episodes: 25
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 1997-Oct-02 to 1998-Mar-26
Theme song: Ameagari no Hoshizora by Ichiro Maki


The collapse of a man's business throws his family into crisis. Accustomed to a predictable life of independence, his children must now rediscover the bonds of love and trust that unite a family in times of hardship. This heartwarming domestic drama explores the foundations of family life in the face of today's new challenges. --TBS


Izumi Pinko
Ichiro Maki
Yamaguchi Tatsuya
Abe Hiroshi
Enari Kazuki
Watabiki Katsuhiko
Nogawa Yumiko
Matsumura Yuki
Terumoto Sachiko
Inoue Jun
Kobayashi Keiju
Akagi Harue

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