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Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan
Title: 浅草ふくまる旅館
Title (romaji): Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Home drama
Broadcast network: TBS
Air time: Monday 20:00
Season 1
Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 12.6
Broadcast period: 2007-Jan-8 to 2007-Mar-19
Theme song: Furusato by Natsukawa Rimi (夏川りみ)
National Theatre celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. In January 2007, the theatre begins its 51st year with "Asakusa Fukumaru Inn," a new drama where every episode is self-inclusive, set in an old-line inn in Asakusa. Fukumaru Daikichi, the owner of Fukumaru Inn is played by Nishida Toshiyuki. The inn has been in business for over 60 years, and Daikichi is its third owner. Known as "nosy Dai-san" from people of Asakusa, Daikichi pries into the affairs of others and ends up making matters worse. As social conditions change, his inn business faces difficult situation, but he cannot help but stop being nosy. In each episode, various guest actors/actresses appear to take the key role sometimes as a guest to the inn or as a someone Daikichi meets in the neighborhood area. Exchanges between guest actors/actresses and Dakichi will definitely make the viewers cry and laugh in all episodes. --TBS
Nishida Toshiyuki as Fukumaru Daikichi
Ishigaki Yuma as Fukumaru Yoshio
Otsuka Chihiro as Fukumaru Miho
Kitagawa Hiromi as Momose Keiko
Sakashita Chiriko as Some Yakko
Tane Rakuko as Sekawa 枝里
Ino Manabu (猪野学) as Seko Ryuuta
Kubota Maki as Tsuneishi Tamako
Watanabe Ikkei as Kazama Toshiharu
Ono Takehiko as Momose Shozo
Kino Hana (木野花) as Fukumaru Hana
Tatsumi Takuro as Kudo Yukai
Kaku Chikako as Sakaki Noriko
Taiga (ep2)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Yokota Yoshi (横田与志), Mizutani Ryuji (水谷龍二 ), Hashimoto Izo (橋本以蔵)
Producer: Morishita Kazukiyo (森下和清), Asano Atsuya (浅野敦也)