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Ari yo Saraba
Title: アリよさらば
Title (romaji): Ari yo Saraba
Also known as: Goodbye, Ants
Genre: School
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 1994-Apr-15 to 1994-Jul-01
Theme songs:
Ari yo Saraba by Yazawa Eikichi
Itsu no Hika by Yazawa Eikichi
Rock 'n' roll superstar Eikichi Yazawa plays a substitute high school biology teacher whose clumsy social skills steadily mature as he helps his students struggle to balance work, school and extracurricular activities. The result is a heartwarming drama of the mentoring role of teachers during the difficult transition to adulthood. --TBS
Yazawa Eikichi
Nagatsuka Kyozo
Miki Ryosuke
Matsumura Tatsuo
Kiuchi Midori
Ozawa Maju
Matsuoka Masahiro
Nagase Tomoya
Kato Haruhiko
Nishino Taeko
Kojima Hijiri
Inohara Yoshihiko
Production Credits
Planning: Akimoto Yasushi (秋元康), Sato Mitsuo (佐藤光夫)
Screenwriter: Saito Hiromi (斎藤ヒロミ), Suzuki Takako (鈴木貴子), Tomozawa Akira (友澤晃)
Producer: Endo Tamaki (遠藤環)
Director: Endo Tamaki (遠藤環), Kaneko Yoshikazu (金子 与志一), Moriyama Toru (森山享)
Music: Yazawa Eikichi