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Aiba Monogatari

Aiba Monogatari


Title: 愛馬物語
Title (romaji): Aiba Monogatari
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Family drama
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast date: 2008-May-03
Air time: 21:00 to 23:10
Theme song: Carry You Home by James Blunt


A story about a man who takes in a thoroughbred horse and his relationship with his family. --Tokyograph


Kishitani Goro
Yakushimaru Hiroko
Seki Megumi
Kimura Midoriko
Totsugi Shigeyuki
Satoi Kenta
Nishimura Masahiko
Nakamura Katsuo (中村嘉葎雄)

Production Credits

Original writing: Ichiki Hiroshi (市来宏氏)
Screenwriter: Sagara Atsuko (相良敦子)
Producer: Tsuchiya Ken (土屋健)
Director: Wakamatsu Setsuro

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