Archive for May 2012
Title: 花神
Title (romaji): Hanashin
Genre: Jidaigeki renzoku drama
Episodes: 52
Viewership ratings: 16.5 (1st ep), 25.9 (higest ep), 19.0 (average)
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1977-Jan-02 to 1977-Dec-25
Air time: Sunday 20:00
The 15th NHK Taiga Drama is Hanashin.
Nakamura Umenosuke (中村梅之助)
Nakamura Masatoshi
Yonekura Masakane
Asaoka Ruriko
Shinoda Saburo (篠田三郎)
Natsuyagi Isao
Tanaka Ken
Production Credits
Original writing: Shiba Ryotaro
Scenario: Oono Yasuko (大野靖子)
Music: Hayashi Hikaru (林光)

Hanamura Daisuke
Title: 花村大介
Title (romaji): Hanamura Daisuke
Genre: Comedy
Episodes: 12 + 1 SP
Viewership rating: 14.4%
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2000-Jul-04 to 2000-Sep-19
SP: 2001-Jan-02
Air time: Tuesday 22:00
Theme song: Love & Joy by Kimura Yuki (木村由姫)
A comical look at the Japanese legal system. Big corporate law firm seeking to increase their profit margin notices that a lot of the partners spend a lot of their time on cases which don't bring in a lot of revenue. They decide they need to hire an average lawyer, at a minimal salary, that will take care of these small cases and not complain. That's why the law firm hires Hanamura Daisuke (Yusuke Santamaria) handle these minor cases. Daisuke's approach to the law is very unique and the way he handles each case is very entertaining. --ktslab
Yusuke Santamaria as Hanamura Daisuke
Ishida Issei as Kayama Yoichi
Mizuno Miki as Takamura Yayoi
Kawashima Naomi as Nagasawa Hideko
Nishina Masaki (仁科克基) as Hanamura Kosuke
Mizukawa Asami as Kuroda Eri
Nakayama Jin as Kasai Kensaku
Satoi Kenta as Kuramoto Kazuhiko
Ikeda Maki as Sakata Mina
Okui Shuji (奥居俊二) as Atty. Maruyama
Orihira Mayumi (織平真由美) as Kondo Akiko
Takahashi Reina (高橋玲奈) as Furuta Rika
Hinata Mayumi (日向真祐) as Yamamura Sanae
Yamaguchi Sayaka (ep1-2)
Dan Jiro (ep1-2)
Terada Minori (ep1-2)
Ishii Kenichi (ep1-2)
Rinka (ep3)
Itao Itsuji (ep3)
Hara Chisako (ep3)
Sato Hitomi (ep4)
Okada Yoshinori (ep4)
Fukaura Kanako (ep4)
Otani Mitsuho (ep5)
Nakamura Aya (ep5)
Saito Yoichiro (斉藤陽一郎) (ep5)
Ishida Taro (ep5)
Denden (ep5)
Sunaga Kei (ep5)
Yokoyama Megumi (ep6)
Yamashita Yorie (ep6)
Obayashi Takeshi (ep6)
Tsunoda Tomomi (角田智美) (ep6)
Odaka Noriko (小高のりこ) (ep6)
Saito Satoru (ep6)
Hashi Ryugo (ep7)
Nishida Ken (ep7)
Katase Nana (ep7)
Tokai Konosuke (東海孝之助) (ep8)
Akimoto Naomi (ep8)
Shiroishi Tomoya (白石朋也) (ep8)
Toda Naho (ep9)
Takahashi Katsumi (ep9)
Michael Tomioka (マイケル富岡) (ep10)
Imai Eri (ep10)
Tsuchiya Kumiko (土屋久美子) (ep10)
Rokkaku Seiji (ep10)
Okina Megumi (ep11-12)
Yamaguchi Ayumi (ep11-12)
Honda Ayako (本多彩子) (ep11-12)
MIKI (ep11-12)
Enjoji Aya (ep11-12)
Ida Kunihiko (ep11-12)
Kitamura Soichiro (ep11-12)
Kikuchi Rinko (ep11-12)
Ishida Hikari (SP)
Kuroda Arthur (SP)
Nakano Hideo (中野英雄) (SP)
Ono Takehiko (SP)
Sugai Kin (SP)
Saito Yosuke (SP)
Nakahara Sanae (中原早苗) (SP)
Fujimura Chika (SP)
Koike Eiko (SP)
Ukita Hisae (浮田久恵) (SP)
Shimizu Koji (SP)
Izumisawa Yuuki
Akiyama Miki
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Ozaki Masaya
Producers: Ando Kazuhisa (安藤和久), Tojo Yuji, Toda Koichi
Directors: Tsukamoto Renpei, Imai Kazuhisa
Music: Terashima Tamiya (寺嶋民哉)

Title: 花いくさ
Title (romaji): Hanaikusa
Tagline: 京都祇園伝説の芸妓・岩崎峰子
Tagline (romaji): Kyoto Gion Densetsu no Geisha, Iwasaki Mineko
Format: Tanpatsu
Viewership ratings: 12.4
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast date: 2007-Nov-23
Air time: Friday 21:00
Inoue Mao plays the role of Mineko, a young maiko (apprentice geisha) in the Gion district of Kyoto. -- Tokyograph
Inoue Mao as Iwasaki Mineko
Sawaki Ruka as young Mineko
Hazuki Riona
Toda Naho
Ozawa Maju
Nakamura Toru
Murano Mia
Yamamura Momiji
Sato Jiro
Tanaka Ken
Kataoka Tsurutaro
Shirakawa Yumi
Natori Yuko
Production Credits
Planning: Wada Ko, Nakamura Yuriko (中村百合子)
Original writing: Iwasaki Mineko (岩崎峰子) Geisha, A Life (autobiography)
Screenwriter: Terada Toshio
Producer: Suzuki Shintaro (鈴木伸太郎)
Director: Hoshida Yoshiko (星田良子)
The story is loosely based on the autobiography of the famous retired geisha Mineko Iwasaki (who was one of the sources for Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha). Iwasaki is also involved in the drama by personally coaching Inoue in the ways of the geisha, and training the cast to speak the unique Gion dialect.

Hanahenro Diaries of Showa
Title: Hanahenro: Diaries of Showa
Episodes: 7
Genre: Historical renzoku drama
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1985
Air time: New Galaxy Drama (Saturday nights 11:00pm)
Series Synopsis
Hayasaka Akira's autobiographical work Hanahenro: Diaries of Showa Pilgrims, first shown in 1985, was the story of Japan from the late 1920's to the 80's, seen from the perspective of ordinary people and set against the background of a shop on Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands. The relationships within the shop owner's family were a reminder of the values and customs of days gone by, and the series enjoyed tremendous popularity.
In summer 1923, a 17 year old girl who wants to become a singer runs away from home and comes to Shikoku. She visits her aunt who runs a shop on a pilgrimage route and borrows money to go to Tokyo. On the day the girl leaves for Tokyo, she hears of the news that Tokyo has been hit by a major earthquake.
Momoi Kaori
Kawarazaki Choichiro
Chujo Shizuo
Kato Haruko
Sawamura Sadako

Hana no Shogai
Title: 花の生涯
Title (romaji): Hana no Shogai
Episodes: unknown
Genre: Jidaigeki drama, renzoku drama
Air time: Sunday 20:00 to 20:45
Viewership: Ep1=25.6, High=32.3, Avg=20.2
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1963-Apr-07 to 1963-Dec-29
The 1st NHK Taiga Drama is Hana no Shogai.
Onoe Shoroku (尾上松緑 (2代目))
Awashima Chikage (淡島千景)
Kitamura Kazuo
Nagato Hiroyuki
Production Credits
Original writing: Funahashi Seiichi (舟橋聖一)
Scenario: Hojo Makoto (北条誠)
Music: Tomita Isao (冨田勲)
This renzoku drama was televised in black and white.

Hana no Ran
Title: 花の乱
Name (romaji): Hana no Ran
Episodes: 37 plus 2-part highlights SP
Genre: Jidaigeki renzoku drama
Air time: Sunday 20:00
Viewership: Ep1=17.9, High=18.3, Avg=14.1
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1994-Apr-03 to 1994-Dec-25
The 33rd NHK Taiga Drama is Hana no Ran. This is part three of a three-part renzoku drama series (Ryukyu no Kaze, the 31st Taiga Drama (1992) is part one, and Homura Tatsu, the 32nd Taiga Drama (1993) is part two.)
The story takes place during the Muromachi period of Ancient Japan, in the midst of the Ōnin War. The main character in the series is Tomiko Hino, a historical figure with a bad reputation because of her actions to rebuild Kyoto after the Ōnin War.
Mita Yoshiko
Ichikawa Danjuro (市川団十郎)
Ichikawa Ebizo
Matsu Takako
Matsuoka Masahiro
Okuda Eiji
Katase Rino
Yakusho Koji
Sano Shiro
Kusakari Masao
Katsuno Hiroshi
Ru Oshiba (ルー大柴)
Senda Mitsuo (せんだみつお)
Kobayashi Sachiko (小林幸子)
Tsuruta Mayu
Nagasawa Toshiya
Imai Masayuki
Kawano Taro (川野太郎)
Fujioka Hiroshi
Dan Fumi (壇ふみ)
Kyo Machiko
Nomura Mansai
Matsumoto Koshiro
Yorozuya Kinnosuke
Yamamoto Ryuji
Production Credits
Scenario: Ichikawa Moriichi (市川森一)
Music: Saegusa Shigeaki (三枝成彰)

Hana no Hokori
Title: 花の誇り
Title (romaji): Hana no Hokori
Also known as: Flower's Pride
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Jidaigeki, romance
Viewership rating: 7.6
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast date: 2008-Dec-20
Airtime: Saturday 21:00
Tells the story of Tazuru, who falls in love with a female sword master, Miya. Tazuru and Miya are childhood friends. Miya and Tazuru’s older brother Shinjuro are in love with each other. But when Shinjuro, committed ritual suicide, Tazuru believed he had been jilted by Miya years pass. Tazuru’s husband, Orinosuke and Miya’s husband Munakata Sobe fight for the position of chief retainer. Miya is the last person that she wants to lose to and Tazuru demands that her timid husband win. At that time, Tazuru saves a travelling samurai who is being attacked by assassins. She is an expert in the short sword. The travellng samurai, Sekine bears a striking resemblance to her dead brother, and carries a secret message that exposes the corruption of the domain. Before long, Tazuru gets caught in the conspiracy of the first chief retainer. --Jdrama Weblog
Seto Asaka as Tazuru
Sakai Miki as Miya
Tanabe Seiichi as Orinosuke
Yamaguchi Makiya as Shinjuro / Sekine
Katsurayama Shingo as Munakata Sobe
Otani Ryosuke
Matsukane Yoneko
Endo Kenichi
Ishibashi Renji
Kawai Ryunosuke
Production Credits
Original writing (novel): Hana no Hokori by Fujisawa Shuhei
Screenwriter: Miyamura Yuko (宮村優子)
Director: Yoshimura Yoshiyuki (吉村芳之)
Music: Endo Mikio (遠藤幹雄)

Hana Yori Dango
Title: 花より男子
Title (romaji): Hana Yori Dango
Also known as: Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers
Format: Renzoku, across two seasons
Genre: Romance
Broadcast network: TBS
Air time: Friday 22:00
Related dramas: Meteor Garden, Boys Before Flowers, Liu Xing Yu
Season 1
Episodes: 9
Viewership rating: 19.6 (Kanto)
Broadcast period: 2005-Oct-21 to 2005-Dec-16
Theme song: WISH by Arashi
Insert song: Planetarium by Otsuka Ai
Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the Domyoji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui, the introverted son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro, a player who is the heir of a tea ceremony school; and Mimasaka Akira, a madam killer with ties to the underground. If a student gets on the F4's bad side, he/she gets a red notice and is bullied and driven out of school.
Makino hopes to pass her days quietly-- without drawing any attention to herself-- but one day, she stands up to Domyoji in defense of her friend. The next day, Makino gets the dreaded red notice. Even though she is harassed, Makino decides to keep going to school because she is a "tough weed". She declares war right back on the F4. Her resolve gets the attention of her crush Hanazawa Rui and oddly enough, rouses romantic feelings in her worst enemy, Domyoji Tsukasa.
The series is based on the Japanese shoujo manga "Hana Yori Dango" (Boys Before Flowers) by Kamio Yoko.
Inoue Mao as Makino Tsukushi
Matsumoto Jun as Domyoji Tsukasa
Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui
Matsuda Shota as Nishikado Sojiro
Abe Tsuyoshi as Mimasaka Akira
Sato Megumi as Sanjo Sakurako
Nishihara Aki as Matsuoka Yuki
Seto Saki as Asai Yuriko
Fukada Aki as Ayuhara Erika
Matsuoka Emiko as Yamano Minako
David Ito as Nishida
Sada Mayumi as Todo Shizuka
Kato Takako as Sengoku Sachiyo
Tomiura Satoshi as Makino Susumu (brother of Tsukushi)
Kobayashi Susumu as Makino Haruo (father of Tsukushi)
Ishino Mako as Makino Chieko (mother of Tsukushi)
Matsushima Nanako as Domyoji Tsubaki (sister of Tsukasa)
Kaga Mariko as Domyoji Kaede (mother of Tsukasa)
Ito Kazue as Yamanaka Minako
Nakayama Masei as Terada Junji (Class 2C)
Ikeda Kaori as Morioka Mizuki
Kaku Tomohiro as Sawatari Shingo (ep1)
Sano Kazuma as Kimoto Takayuki (ep1)
Hasegawa Tomoharu (ep1)
Igarashi Shunji (ep1)
Handa Kento as Ryuji (ep4-5)
Gashuin Tatsuya (ep4-5)
Takuma Takayuki (ep4-9)
Oshinari Shugo as Nakatsuka (ep6-7)
Mitsuya Yoko as Nakatsuka's other girl (ep6-7)
Sakai Ayana as Kurimaki Ayano (ep8-9)
Hankai Kazuaki as TOJ's emcee (ep8-9)
Shibuya Momoko as a TOJ participant (ep8-9)
Suzuki Sotaro (ep9)
Production Credits
Original writing: Kamio Yoko
Screenwriter: Satake Mikio, Fujimoto Yuki, Takahashi Natsuko, Arai Shuuko
Producer: Setoguchi Katsuaki
Director: Ishii Yasuharu, Yamamuro Daisuke, Katayama Osamu
Music: Yamashita Kosuke

Hana Noren
Title: 花暖簾
Title (romaji): Hana Noren
Title (English): Curtain Call
Format: Tanpatsu
Broadcast network:
Broadcast date: 1997 (est.)
Taka is a stage-loving wife of Yoshisaburo. Taka and Yoshisaburo share a love for theater and decide to fulfill their dream of starting up an entertainment troupe. They sell off their dry goods store, and Taka's enthusiasm for their new work gets them through the early obstacles, but soon trouble arises in their entertainment world. Anyone who has ever pursued their dreams or even wondered what their future would have been like if they did, should not miss this endearing story. --groink
Miyamoto Nobuko as Kawashima Taka
Hazama Kanpei as Gamaguchi
Shibuya Tengai as Kawashima Kichisaburo
Mita Kazuyo as Matsui Kayo
Shoji Hanae as Ishikawa Tane
Hirata Mitsuru as Yokoyama Entatsu
Miyagawa Daisuke as Hanabishi Achako

Hamano Shizuka wa Jiken ga Osuki
Title: ハマの静香は事件がお好き
Title (romaji): Hamano Shizuka wa Jiken ga Osuki
Format: Tanpatsu
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Episode 1
Broadcast date: 2003
Air time: 21:00 to 22:52
Cast: Ishidate Tetsuo (石立鉄男), Murakami Kohei, Takigawa Eiji (滝川英治), Akai Hidekazu
Episode 2
Broadcast date: 2004
Air time: 21:00 to 22:52
Cast: Hayashi Tsuyoshi, Miyama Karen, Akai Hidekazu
Episode 3
Broadcast date: 2005
Air time: 21:00 to 22:52
Cast: Ikeda Masanori (池田政典), Akai Hidekazu, David Ito
Episode 4
Broadcast date: 2006-Jul-07
Air time: 21:00 to 22:52
Synopsis: Otonashi Shizuka, president of a handyman business, is on a mission to prove the innocence of her former student who is under the suspicion of murder.
Cast: Katahira Nagisa, Akai Hidekazu, Ishii Masanori, Oginome Keiko, Mori Koko (森康子), Otani Mitsuho
Episode 5
Broadcast date: 2008-Apr-25
Air time: 20:00 to 21:52
Synopsis: Shizuka, the owner of a handyman business, becomes caught in the middle of a mysterious murder involving an artist and a valuable painting.
Cast: Katahira Nagisa, Akai Hidekazu, Ishii Masanori, Denden, Tane Rakuko

Hakusen Nagashi
Title: 白線流し
Title (romaji): Hakusen Nagashi
Also known as: Those were the Days / White Line / Throwing White Ribbon
Format: Renzoku
Genre: School, romance
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 1996-Jan-11 to 1996-Mar-21
Air time: Thursday 22:00
Theme song: Sora mo Toberu Hazu by Spitz
Sonoko (Sakai), a rural high school student, notices stars drawn on her desk at school. It seems that sitting at that very same desk at night is Wataru, a poor teenage student, who with no parents is forced to work during the day and study at night. Then one day a chance encounter changes their lives in this nostalgic teenage love story. (Nagase) is a high school student who dropped out but is now going back to night school. He works at a metal shop type of place. His father died and his mother abandoned him, so he is living alone, going to work and going to night school. Sonoko is a high school senior at North Matsumoto High School in Nagano Prefecture. They meet, actually crash into each other on a street. She leaves a book about the stars behind. Wataru manages to return the book to Sonoko. Later Sonoko finds out that Wataru uses her desk at night school. Sonoko and Wataru have feelings for each other.
Sonoko's friends Madoka (Kyono) and Fuyumi (Mabuchi) are very good supporting characters. Yusuke (Kashiwabara) plays Sonoko's classmate and has a major crush on her. Yui Ryoko is Wataru's coworker at the metal shop and does not like Sonoko at all, she wants Wataru for herself.--Fuji Creative
Nagase Tomoya as Ookouchi Wataru
Sakai Miki as Nanakura Sonoko
Kyono Kotomi as Tomiyama Madoka
Kashiwabara Takashi as Hasebe Yusuke
Mabuchi Erika as Tachibana Fuyumi
Nakamura Ryu as Tomiyama Shinji
Yui Ryoko as Shiota Kayano
Yamamoto Kei
Shirakawa Kazuko
Hiraizumi Sei
Yo Kimiko
Matsumoto Rumi
Yokoyama Yu
Production Credits
Screenwriters: Nobumoto Keiko (信本敬子), Harada Yuuki (原田裕樹)
Producers: Honma Ohiko (本間欧彦), Sekimoto Hirofumi (関本広文)
Directors: Kimura Tatsuaki, Iwamoto Hitoshi, Honma Ohiko
Music: Iwashiro Taro

Hakoiri Musume
Title: ハコイリムスメ!
Title (romaji): Hakoiri Musume!
Also known as: Innocence in Bloom
Genre: Romance, family, human drama
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 11.6%
Broadcast network: Fuji TV, KTV
Broadcast period: 2003-Oct-07 to 2003-Dec-9
Air time: Tuesday 22:00
Theme songs:
Theme: My Last Fight by LOVE PSYCHEDELICO
Insert: Portrait by Tasy Jam
Mt. Takao is located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Hana and Akari Komori grew up there in a teahouse owned by their parents. When Hana was still 20, she left the mountain with high expectations of finding happiness. Hana's belief was the only person that can give her happiness is herself. Akari was only 6-years old when Hana left home. But every time Hana was unsuccessful in love, marriage, and work, she would always pack up and return home. more...
Iijima Naoko as Komori Hana
Fukada Kyoko as Komori Akari
Yoshizawa Hisashi as Takamura Tetsuro
Tamayama Tetsuji as Koizumi Junpei
Katsumura Masanobu as Takubo Ken
Furuta Arata as Yamada Jurota
Hakamada Yoshihiko
Yoshida Hideko
Chii Takeo
Omori Akemi
Mark Condon
Maki Yoko (ep2&4)
Miyama Karen (ep02)
Sasaki Kuranosuke (ep05)
Mark Kenji Condon
Yashiba Toshihiro
Sakata Tadashi
Takahashi Kento
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Nakazono Miho
Directors: Kinoshita Takao, Tsuzuki Junichi
Music: Nakanishi Toshihiro

Haken no Oscar
Title: 派遣のオスカル
Title (romaji): Haken no Oscar
Also known as: Lady Oscar Works Temp
Tagline: 『少女漫画』に愛を込めて
Tagline (romaji): "Shojo Manga" ni Ai wo Komete
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Work, comedy
Episodes: 6
Viewership rating: 5.2 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2009-Aug-28 to 2009-Oct-02
Air time: Friday 22:00
Theme song: DREAM GOES ON by Every Little Thing
A story about a temporary-staff worker who finds refuge in the fantasy world of a comic, Rose of Versailles. Katsuko's mediocre days is put to an end when the son of her company president arrives at her office and lays out unreasonable a cost-cutting policy which upsets Katsuko. Her inner ear hears the voice of Oscar, the main character of "Rose of Versailles" who stands up for the people, and decides to take action against him to save her helpless colleagues. --NHK
Tanaka Rena as Misawa Katsuko
Tokui Yoshimi as Igarashi Akeo
Suzuki Anne as Tawara An
Asami Hikaru (朝海ひかる) as Yashiro Sayaka
Sato Tomohito as Uchimura Takeshi
Takuma Seiko as Shizuta Hiromi
Kaneko Sayaka as Ide Nanako
Hiraizumi Sei as Igarashi Tatsuro
Kamijo Tsunehiko as Sato Katsuhiro
Yamamoto Koji as REN (ep2)
Production Credits
Original writing (manga): Shojo Manga by Matsuda Naoko (松田奈緒子)
Screenwriter: Kaneko Arisa
Directors: Kasaura Tomochika (笠浦友愛), Yoshikawa Kunio (吉川邦夫)
Music: Yoshimata Ryo

Haken no Hinkaku
Title: ハケンの品格
Title (romaji): Haken no Hinkaku
Also known as: Haken's Dignity / The Pride of the Temp
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership ratings: 20.10%
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2007-Jan-10 to 2007-Mar-14
Air time: Wednesday 22:00
Theme song: Mienai Hoshi by Nakashima Mika
Oomae Haruko is an A+ Temp worker who never cracks a smile or minces words, and leaves work on the dot. But her cynical nature indicates she has something painful to hide. Satonaka Kensuke has just been promoted to head S&F’s new Marketing Division. Saddled with a rag-tag group of subordinates, he is struggling to lift his division off the ground. When Oomae is placed in Kensuke’s department, she finds herself doing more work than she’s ever done before.
This is a timely drama that examines the different attitudes toward temp workers and regular employees, and the ways to overcome frictions in interpersonal relationships. This follows an October report on labor conditions by the Labor Ministry, which showed that, after regulations were relaxed, the proportion of regular employees to Temps had doubled compared to that of eight years ago.
Shinohara Ryoko as Oomae Haruko (?)
Kato Ai as Mori Miyuki (23)
Koizumi Kotaro as Satonaka Kensuke (30)
Oizumi Yo as Shouji Takeshi (32)
Katsuji Ryo as Asano Tsutomu (23)
Itaya Yuka as Kuroiwa Masako (30)
Yasuda Ken as Hitotsugi Shinya (30)
Shirota Yu as Amaya Ryuto (20)
Shirakawa Yumi as Amaya Mayuko (58)
Komatsu Masao as Ogasawara Shigeru (62)
Matsukata Hiroki as Kirishima Toshio (60)
Kamiji Yusuke as Kin Kosaku
Shimizu Yuki as Takei Hitomi
Iriyama Noriko as Shimada Kaoru
Macha-Macha as Machiko
Suho Reiko as Ito (ep1)
Watanabe Ikkei (ep2, 3)
Ono Takehiko (ep3)
Gamou Junichi (蒲生純一) (ep3)
Kudo Risa (ep6)
Toyama Kyoko (ep6)
Motai Masako (ep6)
Matsuda Kazusa (ep8)
Saito Shota (ep9)
Ishida Hikari (ep9)
Kaneko Ken (ep10)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Nakazono Miho
Producers: Hazeyama Yuko, Uchiyama Masahiro (内山雅博)
Director: Nagumo Seiichi, Sato Toya
Music: Kanno Yugo
Episode Titles
Ep 01: To Work is to Live...Super Temp worker Arrives
Ep 02: War! Temp worker vs. Full-timers
Ep 03: Full-timer's Friendship, Temp worker's Duty
Ep 04: Sad Love and Hourly Wage
Ep 05: Hourly Wage Invaders vs. "Sea Slug" Senior
Ep 06: Tearful Overtime on Valentine's Day
Ep 07: Love is Prohibited in the Business Plan Competition!
Ep 08: Proposal to a Temp worker!?
Ep 09: Super Temp worker's Past
Ep 10: Contract Ends!...Super Temp worker's Final Skill

Haikei, Chichiue-sama
Title: 拝啓、父上様
Title (romaji): Haikei, Chichiue-sama
Also known as: Dear Father
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Family drama, human drama
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 13.19
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2007-Jan-11 to 2007-Mar-22
Air time: Thursday 22:00-22:54
Theme song: "Papier" ("Paper") by Moriyama Ryoko
Related dramas: Zenryaku, Ofukuro-sama; Zenryaku, Ofukuro-sama 2
Set in an old prestigious Ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant) in a small town in the center of Tokyo, a young Itamae (cook for Japanese dishes) struggles his life, love and work while the long-lasted ryotei and the beloved old town face the change to survive the time. This heartwarming drama shows the intimate relationship of the community that has been lost nowadays, asks what the most important things in your life is, and tells how difficult it is to make a decision. The story is told in the form of a letter to his unknown father with lots of humor and love. Fuji Creative
Ninomiya Kazunari as Tawara Ippei
Takashima Reiko as Tawara Yukino
Yokoyama Yu as Nakagawa Tokio
Kuroki Meisa as Karasawa Naomi
Fukuda Saki as Sakashita Eri
Umemiya Tatsuo as Komiya Ryuji
Takahashi Katsumi as Sakashita Tamotsu
Kishimoto Kayoko as Sakashita Ritsuko
Yachigusa Kaoru as Sakashita Yumeko
Morikami Chie (森上千絵) as Sumiko
Takahashi Fumiko (高橋史子) as Matsuko
Kurose Tomomi (黒瀬友美) as Shinobu
Morizono Maiko (森囿麻衣子) as Tamago
Kimura Tae as 浮葉
Ikezu Jyoko as Kotoe
Kubo Takanori (久保隆徳) as Ruo
Okuda Eiji as Tsuyama
Matsushige Yutaka as Hanjiro
Kawahara Sabu as Kano Zenkichi
Kobayashi Keiju as Kumasawa Kiyojiro (ep1-2)
Ono Takehiko as Sanada Kosei (ep2-3)
Watanabe Tetsu as Nakagome (ep1,3)
Mori Fujio (森富士夫) as Minami (ep3)
Mori Mitsuko as Kumazawa's woman (ep3)
Yo Kimiko as the fortune teller (ep4)
Rokkaku Seiji as the bookstore owner (ep5)
Omiya Taro
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Kuramoto Sou
Producers: Wakamatsu Hiroki, Asano Yuzumi (浅野澄美)
Directors: Miyamoto Rieko, Nishiura Masaki
Music: Shima Ken (島健)

Name: ハイカラさん
Name (romaji): Haikara-san
Episodes: unknown x 15 mins.
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1982-Apr-5 to 1982-Oct-2
Viewership ratings: 1st=32.5 High=44.9 Avg=36.2
The 29th NHK Asadora drama is Haikara-san. Location includes Kanagawa prefecture, Yokohama.
Tezuka Satomi
Kimura Shiro (木村四郎)
Fujimura Shiho
Production Credits
Scenario: Oyabu Mube (大藪郁子)
Music: Chino Hidekazu (千野秀一)

Hahaoya Shikkaku
Title: 母親失格
Title (romaji): Hahaoya Shikkaku
Also known as: An Unfit Mother
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 62
Broadcast network: Fuji TV, Tokai TV
Broadcast period: 2007-Jan-04 to 2007-Mar-30
Air time: Weekdays 13:30-14:00
Theme song: The Rose by SunMin
This afternoon drama follows Hiromi Kato, a girl who never felt love from her mother, but ended up working in a nursery as an adult. Her childhood friend, Chikako Matsushita, had run away from her strict mother when she was younger. Together, the two of them bond through their feelings toward their mothers. But they both fall for the same man. Chikako ends up giving birth to a girl, Chihiro, whom she decides to abandon. Hiromi, reminded of herself as a child, takes the baby and begins a new life raising the child. Fourteen years later, Chikako reappears, asking to take Chihiro back... Tokyograph
Yoshimoto Miyoko as Kuramoto (Kato) Hiromi
Hara Chiaki as Matsushita Chikako
Hiruma Yoshinori (比留間由哲)
Gin Pun Chou
Hidari Tokie (左時枝)
Minegishi Toru
Terada Chiho (寺田千穂)
Isshiki Saiko (一色彩子)
Satoi Kenta
Mitani Yumi (三谷侑未)
Morimoto Sarasa (森本更紗)
Abe Erena
Nakamura Yuzuru (中村讓)
Uchino Kenta (内野謙太)
Shinoda Kaoru (篠田薫)
Yuri Naoko (由利尚子)
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Ito Toshiya (いとう斗士八), Fukuda Yuko (福田裕子), Tabe Toshiyuki (田部俊行)
Producer: Ichino Naochika (市野直親), Okubo Naomi (大久保直実), 大越大士
Director: Aburatani Seiji (油谷誠至), Fujiki Yasuyuki (藤木靖之), Oi Toshio (大井利夫)
Music: Endo Koji (遠藤浩二)

Haha no Okurimono
Title: 母の贈り物
Title (romaji): Haha no Okurimono
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Family
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast date: 2009-Sep-14
Air time: Monday 22:00
The story focuses on the two mothers of a couple that is about to get married. --Tokyograph
Takeshita Keiko
Nakamaru Yuichi
Manda Hisako
Shimizu Yuki
Sato B-saku
Ishizaka Koji
Production Credits
Original writing: Mukoda Kuniko (向田邦子)
Screenwriter: Kurotsuchi Mitsuo (黒土三男)
Producer: Ishii Fukuko (石井ふく子)
Director: Kamoshita Shinichi (鴨下信一)

Hagure Keiji Junjoha
Name: はぐれ刑事純情派
Name (romaji): Hagure Keiji Junjoha
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Sub-Genre: Crime drama
Opening theme song Hagure Keiji Junjoha Theme by Kai Masato
Ending theme song Varies from season-to-season (see below)
Fujita Makoto plays the role of Detective Yasuura, who is somewhat of an unusual detective, in that he has a laid-back style and a sympathetic heart.
Unlike many other Japanese drama series, Hagure Keiji Junjoha consists of individual episodes, each solving a crime from start to finish. The format is very similar to crime dramas in the United States like Hawaii Five-0 or Magnum PI.
NOTE: Rather than having a separate page for each season (18 in all), I think it is best to organize all the seasons into a single page. There is very little difference between seasons, so this format cuts down on any possible future redundancy.

Hagure Keiji
Title: はぐれ刑事
Title (romaji): Hagure Keiji
Genre: Crime drama
Format: Renzoku
Episodes: 13
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 1975-Oct-7 to 1975-Dec-30
Hira Mikijiro
Oki Masaya (沖雅也)
Tanaka Kunie (田中邦衛)
Natsu Junko (夏純子)
Hino Shohei
Hoon Yuki (ホーン・ユキ)
Ozawa Eitaro (小沢栄太郎)
Asaji Yoko (浅茅陽子)
Yamamoto Kiyoshi (山本清)
Ito Tatsuhiro (伊東辰夫)
Mochizuki Taro (望月太郎)
Kataoka Goro

Title: ハゲタカ
Title (romaji): Hagetaka
Also known as: The Vultures
Format: Renzoku
Episodes: 6
Viewership ratings: 7.17
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2007-Feb-17 to 2007-Mar-24
Air time: Saturday 21:00 to 21:58
A business drama set in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the bubble economy had collapsed and Japanese businesses with conventional management cultures were exposed to corporate buyouts by foreign investors. Masahiko Washizu, the leading character, is a businessman who once worked for a Japanese bank. He comes back to Tokyo as a New York-trained fund manger to buy out Japanese businesses. Through eight years for the man called "vulture," the drama depicts ambitions, struggles and hopes of those who are involved in corporate acquisitions.. --NHK
Omori Nao as Washizu Masahiko
Shibata Kyohei as Shibano Takeo
Matsuda Ryuhei as Osamu Nishino
Kuriyama Chiaki as Mishima Yuka
Nakao Akira as Iijima Ryosuke
Muramatsu Toshifumi
Yajima Kenichi
Nakahara Takeo as Sakota
Asari Yosuke
Okuda Tatsuhito as Horikirizono Kentaro (ep4,5)
Production Credits
Original Work: Mayama Jin (真山仁) Hagetaka (novel)
Screenwriter: Hayashi Koji (林宏司)
Directors: Ootomo Keiji (大友啓史), Inoue Go (井上剛), Horikirizono Kentaro (堀切園健太郎)
Music: Sato Naoki

Hagane no Onna
Title: ハガネの女
Title (romaji): Hagane no Onna
Format: Renzoku
Genre: School, human drama
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Season 1
Episodes: 7
Broadcast period: 2010-May-21 to 2010-Jul-02
Air time: Friday 23:15
Main theme song: Nakama by Ketsumeishi
Haga Ineko stopped being a school teacher for she was about to get married. When she is suddenly dumped by her to-be husband, she loses her way, and starts drinking. One day, an old friend approaches with a job offer. She would be a substitute teacher in a class on which several teachers gave up without an apparent reason. She reluctantly takes the job only to discover that there are several brutal bullying cases inside the class. Even she eventually starts being anonymously threatened due to her opposing posture against such cases. She now has to identify and reprimand them while at the same time protecting weaker students. The word "Hagane" on the title is a nickname which comes from Haga (her surname) and Ne (from Ineko, her name), but is actually a pun with the actual word hagane (which means steel, denoting how she must be in order to resist as a teacher).
Elementary school faculties
Kichise Michiko as Haga Ineko
Kaname Jun
Shitara Osamu
Yoshie Akihito (吉家章人)
Shimizu Michiko
Shishido Miwako
Ayata Toshiki (綾田俊樹)
Ohashi Nozomi
Hayashi Roi (林遼威)
Totani Kakeru (戸谷駆)
Imai Yuki
Yoshida Kakeru (吉田翔)
Matsui Eisuke (松井瑛介)
Suzuki Shunsuke (鈴木駿介)
Miyagi Yoshiaki (宮城孔明)
Kumagai Rui (熊谷瑠衣)
Hayashida Mitsuteru (林田光輝)
Nakano Mio (中野澪)
Aoki Jyuna (青木珠菜)
Yoshida Riko
Shibata Kyoka
Satou Hinata (佐藤日向)
Sasaki Mao
Hinata Nanami
Minegishi Hana (峰岸花奈)
Tsunematsu Yuri
Miyatake Matsuri
Yagi Yuki
Takase Misaki (高瀬岬)
Yokoyama Megumi
Sakurai Akemi (桜井明美)
Yoshizawa Hitomi
Takahashi Hitomi
Arimura Kasumi
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Oishi Tetsuya
Producer: Nakagomi Takuya (中込卓也), Shimoyama Jun (下山潤)
Music: Nakatsuka Takeshi (中塚武)

Hadashi no Gen
Title: はだしのゲン
Title (romaji): Hadashi no Gen
Also known as: Barefoot Gen
Format: Tanpatsu in two parts
Genre: Human drama
Viewership ratings: 18.2(1st), 20.5(2nd)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2007-Aug-10 and 2007-Aug-11
Air time: Friday, Saturday 21:00
Theme song: Sen no Kaze ni Natte by Masafumi Akikawa
Nakai Kiichi plays Daikichi, who in 1945 paints designs on wooden sandals to support his pregnant wife Kimie (Ishida Yuriko) and their four children in Hiroshima. He grows wheat to keep his family fed during the lean war years. He is also resolutely against the war and is arrested by the public security police for being "unpatriotic." Consequently, his son Gen is bullied at school. -- Japan Times Online
Kobayashi Ren as Nakaoka Gen (young)
Imai Yuki as Nakaoka Shinji
Nakai Kiichi as Nakaoka Daikichi
Ishida Yuriko as Nakaoka Kimie
Nakao Akiyoshi as Nakaoka Koji
Ono Asuka (小野明日香) as Nakaoka Eiko
Katsumura Masanobu as Bo
Ono Takehiko as Samejima Denjiro
Okouchi Hiroshi (大河内浩) as Numata-sensei
Tsuruta Shinobu as Prinicpal Tanaka
Tanaka Yoji as Detective Tokko
Yajima Kenichi as Police Chief
Ichikawa Isamu as Officer Hamada
Masu Takeshi as Commander Saeki
Toji Takao as the master of the estate
Sakura as Kikuyo
Murata Takehiro as Kurata Shinsuke
Hirata Mitsuru as Doctor Yabe
Sugimoto Tetta as Kosaku
Nakajima Hiroko as Ume (Kosaku's wife)
Ryo as Hayashi Sayako
Hidari Tokie (左時枝) as Hayashi Setsu
Yamashita Takuro (山下タクロー) as Hayashi Tatsuo
Matsuura Jura (松浦寿來) as Hayashi Takeko
Kobayashi Susumu as the doctor
Sato B-saku as Yoshida Eizo
Fukaura Kanako as Yoshida Hanako
Narimiya Hiroki as Yoshida Seiji
Yamamoto Gaku as Nakaoka Gen (old)
Production Credits
Original writing: Nakazawa Keiji (中沢啓治) Hadashi no Gen (manga)
Screenwriter: Kimizuka Ryoichi
Producers: Masumoto Jun (増本淳), Ogura Hisao
Directors: Nishiura Masaki, Murakami Masanori
Music: Sato Naoki

Hadaka no Taisho Horoki
Title: 裸の大将放浪記
Title (romaji): Hadaka no Taisho Horoki
Also known as: Travelog of Naked Artist
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Original Series (1980-1997)
Episodes: 83
Broadcast period: 1980-Jan-01 to 1997
This drama is based on a true story of Yamashita Kiyoshi, a genius artist who died in 1971 at age of 49. He is considered to be the "Japanese equivalent to Van Gogh." It has become one of the most popular series since the first episode was broadcast in 1980, with 83 episodes aired.
At age of 12, Yamashita was taken into a protective institution for intellectually handicapped people. He learned Harie there and his unique talent came out. In a few years, he had improved him skills enough to be admired by the top-class artists. As he became famous, he got out of the institution and started wandering all over Japan wearing only a sleeveless undershirt. Wherever he went, Yamashita left a lot of wonderful work. This series describes some interesting episodes in each place he goes, his likable personality, and heartwarming encounter with local people through his diary and Harie. --Fuji Crerative
In each episode, a guest star made an appearance. Besides Ashiya Gannosuke, all artists listed below are guest stars. Currently there is no documentation listing details of each episode. Therefore it is impossible to determine the exact episode or year an artist made a guest appearance.
Ashiya Gannosuke as Yamashita Kiyoshi
Asano Yuko
Kishibe Ittoku
Akashiya Sanma
Naito Taketoshi
Casey Takamine
Tsugawa Masahiko
Fujita Ayako
Kadono Takuzo
Ryu Raita
Yakumaru Hirohide (薬丸裕英)
Asada Miyoko
Sugai Kin
Orimoto Junkichi
Hara Hideko
Yoshimoto Miyoko
Nishioka Tokuma
Takenaka Naoto
Nogawa Yumiko
Kanie Keizo
Miho Jun
Shikauchi Takashi (鹿内孝)
Kawakami Maiko
Matsumura Yuki
Akino Taisaku
Nabe Osami
Igawa Hisashi
Kato Reiko
Hosokawa Fumie
Kobayashi Asei
2007 Special
Tagline: 放浪の虫が動き出したので
Tagline (romaji): Horo no Mushi ga Ugokidashita no de
Format: Tanpatsu
Viewership ratings: 18.4% (Kanto)
Broadcast period: 2007-Sep-01
Tsukaji Muga as Yamashita Kiyoshi
Mizukawa Asami
Hisamoto Masami
Namase Katsuhisa
Kawashima Naomi
Musaka Naomasa
Nukumizu Youichi
Fujimura Shunji
Shiraki Mari (白木万理)
Washio Machiko
Neko Hiroshi (猫ひろし)
Miyama Karen
Morimoto Leo
Manda Hisako
Tsugawa Masahiko
Suzuki Taku (鈴木拓)
Production Credits
Original writing: Yamashita Kiyoshi (山下清)
Screenwriter: Hayashi Seito (林誠人)
Planning: Tsubota Joji (坪田譲治)
Producers: Uchimaru Setsuko (内丸摂子), Matsumoto Akira (松本明)
Director: Matsumoto Akira
Music: Kobayashi Asei

Title: ハチロー
Title (English): Hachiro
Also known as: Poems for Mother, Poems for Father
Tagline: 母の詩、父の詩 / Haha no Shi, Chichi no Shi
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 9
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2005-Jan-24 to 2005-Mar-21
Air time: Monday 23:15 to 24:00
A story of Sato Hachiro, poet in the Showa period who is known for his lyric poems and songs for children. Despite the delicate and sensitive style of his works, he and his family spent a life full of ups and downs. Based on a novel by his half-sister Sato Aiko, the drama describes the thrilling life of the poet who played an important role in the popular culture of the Showa era by focusing on his love and hate relationship with his family.
Karasawa Toshiaki as Sato Hachiro
Matsumoto Akiko
Tsuruta Mayu
Imai Masayuki as Ain
Matsukata Hiroki
Harada Mieko as Shina
Harada Yoshio
Karasuma Setsuko as Haru
Nagai Anzu
Koshimizu Kazuki

Hachimitsu to Clover
Title: ハチミツとクローバー
Title (romaji): Hachimitsu to Clover
Also known as: Honey and Clover
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romance, friendship
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 8.9 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2008-Jan-08 to 2008-Mar-18
Air time: Tuesday 21:00
Theme song: Canvas by Hirai Ken
Related TV shows: Honey and Clover
Honey and Clover follows the lives of five college students and their love triangles -- Tokyograph
Narumi Riko as Hanamoto Hagumi
Ikuta Toma as Takemoto Yuta
Harada Natsuki as Yamada Ayumi
Mukai Osamu as Mayama Takumi
Narimiya Hiroki as Morita Shinobu
Takizawa Saori as Teshigawara Miwako
Kimura Yuichi as Lohmeyer-senpai
Matsushige Yutaka as Professor Shoda
Maekawa Yasuyuki as Teranobori Yasuhiko
Kashiwabara Takashi as Nomiya Takumi
Izumiya Shigeru as Yamada Daigoro
Murakami Jun as Hanamoto Shuji
Seto Asaka as Harada Rika
Sanada Seiya (真田聖也) (ep1)
Ishikawa Yuya (石川雄也) (ep1-9)
Tsuchiya Fumiko (土屋史子) (ep1-9)
Kaito Ken as Harada Hideyuki (ep2-3,6,8)
Waki Tomohiro (ep2-5,7-8)
Korechika Atsushi (ep2-5,7-8)
Gan Kyotaro (眼鏡太郎) (ep2-5,7-8)
Okawara Akira (大河原晃) (ep2-5,7-8)
Tokunaga Atsushi (ep2)
Sakurada Seiko (ep2)
Sugao Nagisa (菅尾なぎさ) (ep2)
Akiyama Yusuke (秋山悠介) (ep2)
Nagano Satomi (ep3)
Shimazu Kentaro (島津健太郎) (ep3)
Morohashi Reiko (諸橋玲子) (ep3)
Imai Koji (今井耕二) (ep3)
Shono Yoko (生野陽子) (ep4)
Christopher Mae (ep4-5)
Nishitate Saori (西舘さをり) (ep4)
Kobayashi Natsuko (小林夏子) (ep4)
Asanuma Taiki (浅沼太貴) (ep4)
Wakabayashi Yuya (若林佑弥) (ep4)
Takahashi Hitomi as Professor Ogami (ep4,6-9)
Hashimoto Jun as Aida Kazuo (ep5-6,8)
Kotoh Lorena (估藤ロレナ) (ep5)
Aizawa Ryusei (相澤瑠星) (ep5)
Nakamaru Shinsho as the interviewer (ep6)
Nakamura Yasuhi (ep6)
Sunaga Kei (ep6)
Otake Koichi (大竹浩一) (ep6)
Kogure Kuniaki (小暮邦明) (ep6)
Minami Yoshihiro (南好洋) (ep6)
Taira Chiharu (平良千春) (ep6)
Miyanari Ryuji (宮成竜二) (ep6)
Suzuki Akinofu (鈴木アキノフ) (ep6)
Hamada Gaku as Rokutaro (ep8,11)
Yamanaka So as Shin-san (ep8,10-11)
Yoshikawa Fumiki (吉川史樹) (ep8)
Shimizu Shogo as the master woodworker (ep8)
Akaya Banmei (赤屋板明) (ep9)
Meguri Tobio (廻飛雄) (ep9)
Ebihara Keisuke (海老原敬介) (ep10-11)
Ito Mizuki (伊藤瑞稀) (ep10-11)
Hiwatashi Shinji (樋渡真司) (ep11)
Production Credits
Original writing: Umino Chika, Hachimitsu to Clover (manga)
Screenwriter: Kaneko Shigeki
Producer: Takiyama Madoka, Shikanai Tsugi
Director: Tanimura Masaki (ep1-2,5,7,9,11), Matsuyama Hiroaki (ep3-4,8,10), Sasaki Shota (佐々木詳太) (ep6)
Music: Kono Shin, Kaida Shogo (海田庄吾), Miyako Keiichi (都啓一)

Hachigatsu no Love Song
Title: 八月のラブソング
Title (romaji/English): Hachigatsu no Love Song
Format: Renzoku
Episodes: 11
Genre: Human
Broadcast network: YTV
Broadcast period: 1996-Jul-01 to 1996-Sep-02
Theme songs:
All At Once, by Whitney Houston
Over the Rainbow, by Moon Child
This story centers around four people whose lives are intertwined. Eizo runs a Chinese restaurant and is dealing with the sorrow of losing his wife. His daughter Chika writes lyrics and dreams of becoming famous. Eri is an upcoming singer who is jealous of Chika's talent and good upbringing. Kotaro is a cold-blooded young executive trying to buy up a stretch of land to expand his company's business in Tokyo, including the patch of land where Eizo's Chinese restaurant is located. He tries to get close to Chika for his own advantage, and although Chika knows his true intention, she is attracted to him; this makes Eizo terribly worried for his daughter. Each of these four people has wounds in their heart and struggle to get by in their own way. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent how love can be painful but is still so important.
Hazuki Riona as Chika
Ogata Ken as Eizo
Kato Masaya as Kotaro
Isshiki Sae as Eri
Yoshiyuki Kazuko
Moto Fuyuki
Osugi Ren
Mitsuishi Ken
Uchida Shungiku
Ishii Mitsuko

Hachidai Shogun Yoshimune
Title: 八代将軍吉宗
Title (romaji): Hachidai Shogun Yoshimune
Also known as: Eighth Shogun Yoshimune
Genre: Jidaigeki
Episodes: Est. 49
Viewership ratings: Ep1=22.1, High=31.4, Avg=26.4
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 1995-Jan-8 to 1995-Dec-10
Air time: Sunday 20:00
The 34th NHK Taiga Drama is Hachidai Shogun Yoshimune.
Nishida Toshiyuki
Kobayashi Nenji
Yamada Kuniko (山田邦子)
Kaku Chikako
Noguchi Goro
Hosokawa Fumie
Oshima Yoko
Kagawa Teruyuki
Kitamura Kazuo
Tsugawa Masahiko
Natori Yuko
Hosokawa Toshiyuki
Nakamura Baijaku
Matsubara Chieko
Nakada Yoshiko
Natsuki Mari
Saito Yuki
Kusabue Mitsuko
Terajima Shinobu
Kuroki Hitomi
Yajima Kenichi
Oguri Shun
Matsubara Chiaki
Kato Reiko
Owada Shinya
Production Credits
Original writing and script: James Miki
Music: Ikebe Shinichiro (池辺晋一郎)

Hachi-One Diver
Title: ハチワンダイバー
Title (romaji): Hachi-One Diver
Also known as: 81diver
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Suspense, sports, comedy
Episodes: 11
Viewership rating: 8.4 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2008-May-03 to 2008-Jul-19
Air time: Saturday 23:10
Theme song: Make my Day by Aragaki Yui
Sugata Kentaro used to be one of the most hopeful trainee to be a professional Shogi (Japanese chess) player, but fails at the final test. Now he has become a "Shinkenshi," a gambler who plays Shogi for money, and boasts his 182 wins in a row. But he is devastated when he is beaten completely by a young woman known as "Ukeshi" who takes any challenges and never loses. As Shogi means everything to him, he decides to train himself harder to become the strongest player. Based on a popular comic, this comedy drama is about a young man's exciting journey to reorganize his life through a series of tough challenges in Shogi guided by a mysterious girl. --Fuji Creative
Mizobata Junpei as Sugata Kentaro
Naka Riisa as Nakashizu Soyo / Ukeshi
Kohinata Fumiyo as Suzuki Hobbito
Yasuda Misako as Muguruma Rika
Date Mikio (伊達みきお) as Kakuta Goro
Tomizawa Takeshi (富澤たけし) as Hidaka Yasuo
Kinoshita Yukina as Tsukishima Misaki
Watanabe Tetsu as Tsukishima Fumio
Tsuruno Takeshi (つるの剛士) as Kazuya Yoshihide (ep1,9)
Kyo Nobuo as Mamushi (ep2)
David Ito as Katsura (ep2)
Osugi Ren as Jinno Shintaro (ep2-3,6)
Gekidan Hitori as Mojiyama (ep3-5)
Ikeda Tetsuhiro as Iruka Ichiro (ep3,6)
Kyomoto Masaki as Kirino (ep5-7)
Oomasa Aya as Sugata Ayumi (ep6)
Hakamada Yoshihiko as Kasuga Kyosuke (ep8)
Oshinari Shugo as Kasuga Tomoya (ep8)
Fuku Matsumi (ふくまつみ) as Mikado (ep9)
Ishibashi Renji as Kirishima Seijuro (ep10)
Toda Naho as Kirishima Nagi (ep10)
Morimoto Leo as the TV drama director (ep11)
Production Credits
Original writing (manga): Hachi-One Diver by Shibata Yokusaru (柴田ヨクサル)
Screenwriter: Furuya Osho (古家和尚)
Producer: Azuma Yasuyuki
Director: Mizuta Narihide, Matsuyama Hiroaki
Narrator: Ikeda Shuichi (池田秀一)

Hacchobori no Shichinin
Title: 八丁堀の七人 (はっちょうぼりのしちにん)
Title (romaji): Hacchobori no Shichinin / Hachobori no Shichinin / Hatchobori no Shichinin
Also known as: Hachobori Seven / Hatchobori Seven
Format: Annual renzoku drama
Genre: Jidaigeki
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Opening theme song:
- "Chijo no Speed" by Kisugi Takao (season 1)
- "Dakishimetai" By Suzuki Masayuki (season 3,4,5,6)
This is the story of seven constables in the district of Hachobori in old Edo. Under the leadership of Inspector Aoyama, they work together to keep the peace, and solve the crimes plaguing the people of the area. The format and storylines are very similar to modern-day crime dramas.

HUNTER ~Sono Onnatachi, Shoukin Kasegi~
Title: HUNTER~その女たち, 賞金稼ぎ~
Title (romaji): HUNTER~Sono Onnatachi, Shoukin Kasegi~
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Detective, comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 11.0% (kanto)
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-11 to 2011-Dec-13
Air time: Tuesday 22:00
Theme song: Strong Heart by Kuraki Mai
It doesn't matter whether or not the expiration for statute of limitations has disappeared. The reality is that time lessens the impact of the crime and police on the case will undoubtedly be fewer. The victims, on the other hand, never forget. What if there was a hero who could take on the mission for some prize money...?
Isaka Rei is a cabin attendant enjoying a somewhat cliched glamorous 30's life. Or more accurately, "was." One day she manages to arrest a thief at the Tokyo International Airport. To her surprise, the thief was a criminal, rewarded by a bounty of 1,000,000 yen. Indulging in her good luck last only for a moment, when the airport turns into a panic and Rei is not only scolded by her boss, but fired for good. The next misfortune hits without a pause, when she learns that her sister Akane has disappeared, leaving behind a huge debt.
As her life takes its twists and turns, Akane ends up meeting a group of people to join her in becoming a bounty hunter, each member with their own agenda. Will Akane be able to capture the wanted criminal to find her sister and win the reward? And will she find out the true reason her sister ran away? -- Fuji TV
Yonekura Ryoko as Isaka Rei
Kudo Ayano as teen Rei
Asada Honoka (朝田帆香) as young Rei
Tanihara Shosuke as Gondo Takeshi
Kiritani Mirei as Motomura Jun
Horiuchi Keiko as Wakui Kazumi
Koizumi Kotaro as Terashima Goro
Hara Mikie as Muto Hitomi
Saito Megumi as Nonomura Yuko
Mashima Hidekazu as Wakui Shinpei
Kato Tsubasa (加藤翼) as Wakui Ippei
Yasoda Yuichi (八十田勇一) as Yaohachi
Saeki Daichi as Sakuma Kenta
Kawashima Ririka as Isaka Haru
Yamaguchi Sayaka as Isaka Akane
Ito Risako as teen Akane
Shinoda Maki (信太真妃) as child Akane
Toda Keiko as Suzuki Machiko / Kishimoto Sakiko
Emoto Akira as Oishi Shogo
Supporting Cast & Guests
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Ban Kazuhiko
Producer: Kasai Hideyuki (河西秀幸), Goto Katsutoshi (後藤勝利), Kawanishi Taku
Director: Murakami Masanori, Sato Genta, Shiraki Keiichiro (白木啓一郎)
Music: Yamada Yutaka, Tachibana Asami (橘麻美)

Title: HR
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human drama
Episodes: 23
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2002-Oct-09 to 2003-Mar-26
Theme song: Man wo Jishite by Okuda Tamio
The setting: A night school somewhere in Tokyo; the teachers are young, and their students vary in age and occupation. Each week's episode is sure to bring more laughs than the last!
The main character of HR is a 25-year-old English teacher by the name of Shingo. He wants to be the best teacher that he can be, but his mild-mannered personality and tendency to look for the easy way out gets in the way.
Tomohiko is another teacher who works at the school. He teaches Social Studies, is a realist, and tries to be cool by adding the right words to a conversation just at the perfect time.
And then there are the students...Judging by his age, Takehiko, who runs an electric shop, doesn't look much like a high school student. At first glimpse, one would actually think he is a teacher. He even uses the teachers' office as if it's his own.
The single, 44-year-old Shunichi, another student, is a veteran carpenter. His bad temper helps him to hide his delicate personality, which brings him to tears quicker than most.
Next there is Akira, who works at a printing company. Akira had to drop out of high school due to family reasons. He's developed a complex about college grads, so he wants to become one.
A perfect match with his looks, Mikihiro was kicked out of his high school for bad behavior, so that's why he's going to night school. His looks are deceiving too; he is actually rather naïve, and gets hurt easily.
Ryoko is what anyone would consider an "adult woman." She's 28, and used to work at a night club. Going to college is a dream of hers, so she quit the club to go back to get her diploma.
Keiko has a pleasant personality, and takes good care of others. She's 45 and works part-time during the day at a supermarket running a cash register. She is kind of careless, which causes her to get into trouble sometimes.
Last but not least there is the 22-year-old Miki. She comes all the way to school, just to sit in the teachers' office. The reason why she dropped out of high school is because she is afraid of others.
Each week, Shingo and his students go round and round with each other. Will he ever be able to get them to march to the beat of the same drum?
Katori Shingo as Todoroki Shingo
Imai Tomohiko as Murai Tomohiko
Ono Takehiko as Suma Takehiko
Kunimura Jun as Yagita Shunichi
Shirai Akira as Wakui Akira
Nakamura Shido as Washio Mikihiro
Asano Kazuyuki as Wanibuchi Kazuyuki
Shinohara Ryoko as Awashima Ryoko
Toda Keiko as Ube Keiko
Sakai Miki as Jinno Miki
Namase Katsuhisa as Hoi
Miyaji Masako as Umezu
Saito Kiyoko (斉藤清子) as Zunbara
Aijima Kazuyuki as Kurosaki
Ichimura Masachika as Jinno Masachika
Furuta Arata as Tabuchi Joe
Ohkura Koji as the Domino's Pizza employee
Kohinata Fumiyo as Kobotoke
Iketani Nobue as Suma Nobuko
Asari Yosuke as Suma Chokuretsu
Kishida Kyoko as Yagita's mother
Kabira Jay as James Kobayakawa
Nonaka Isao as Long Long Face
Ito Shiro as Muto Teruo
Okuda Tamio (奥田民生)
Kusanagi Tsuyoshi
Ichibashi Soichiro as Todoroki's older brother
Production Credits
Screenwriter: Mitani Koki
Planning: Ishihara Takashi
Producer: Sekiguchi Shizuo (関口静夫), Tsuchiya Ken (土屋健)
Director: Kono Keita

Title: ホットマン
Title (English): HOTMAN
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Family, human drama
Broadcast network: TBS
Season 1
Episodes: 11 + 1 SP
Viewership ratings: 14.26
Broadcast period: 2003-Apr-03 to 2003-Jun-19
Air time: Thursday 21:00
Theme songs:
Opening: Together by EXILE
Insert: Utakata by YeLLOW Generation
Sorimachi Takashi plays school art teacher Enzo Furiya, who takes care of his 5-year-old daughter, Nanami, of which he has no idea who her mother is. He also lives with his four siblings, whose fathers are all different. Nanami suffers from severe atopic dermatitis, so Enzo throws himself into managing her diet to alleviate her condition. He is so determined to raise Nanami well, he doesn't appear to have any spare time for a girlfriend. And yet, Enzo finds himself drawn to Misuzu Kaneko, a health teacher at his school. Enzo pursues life passionately for his little girl and his family. (TBS)
Sorimachi Takashi as Furiya Enzo
Yada Akiko as Kaneko Misuzu
Konishi Manami as Furiya Shima
Ichikawa Yui as Furiya Hinata
Saito Shota as Furiya Haiji
Saito Keita as Furiya Ryunosuke
Yamauchi Nana as Furiya Nanami
Fukami Motoki as Okuma Toki
Kuga Yoko as Fujita Sonoko
Kurotani Tomoka as Sakamoto Yukimi
Sawajiri Erika as Akikawa Satsuki
Hiranuma Norihisa as Fujita Masato
Yamamoto Yuko as Tatsuko Mama
Ryu Raita as Enzo's Father
Nakamaru Shinsho as The twins' father
Waki Tomohiro
Natsukawa Jun
Kamiji Yusuke
Kurita Riko
Matsuda Shoichi
Production Credits
Original writing: Kitagawa Sho (きたがわ翔)
Screenwriter: Kashida Shogo (樫田正剛)
Producer: Matsui Yoko (松井洋子), Wada Toyohiko (和田豊彦)
Director: Nakajima Satoru, Ibe Masato (位部将人)
Original writing: Kitagawa Sho (きたがわ翔)
Screenwriter: Kashida Shogo (樫田正剛)
Producer: Matsui Yoko (松井洋子), Wada Toyohiko (和田豊彦)
Director: Nakajima Satoru, Ibe Masato (位部将人)

Title: ハンマーセッション!
Title (romaji): HAMMER SESSION!
Tagline: 叩き直されたい、生徒(ヤツ)はどいつだ!
Tagline (romaji): Tataki Naosaretai, Seito (Yatsu) wa doitsuda!
Format: Renzoku
Genre: School
Episodes: 11
Viewership rating: 6.95%
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2010-Jul-10 to 2010-Sept-18
Air time: Saturday 20:00
Theme song: LIAR by SPYAIR
Two prisoners managed to escape after the police truck carrying them crashed. One of them ,is a gangster. The other called "Otowa YonKo" - our protagonist - is a con artist whose cheats money from criminals or terrorists. Accidentally, "Otowa Yonko" then becomes the new teacher for the nearby high school, under the new name "Hachisuka Goro", and according to a deal of "Hammer Session" with the headmaster.
Hayami Mokomichi as Hachisuka Goro
Shida Mirai as Tachibana Kaede
Higa Manami as Mizuki Ryoko
Ishiguro Hideo as Shiba Yuusei
Irie Jingi as Kai Tamotsu
Sano Kazuma as Fujii Keisuke
Takeuchi Toshi as Kurosawa Masamune
Suda Masaki as Sakamoto Yohei
Sakamoto Shogo as Nojima Kenta
Ryusei Ryo as Hirose Takumi
Nomura Shuhei as Ebihara Ken
Nobuyama Nobuhiro (延山信弘) as Katsuragi Shingo
Yamashita Rio as Sakiyama Erika
Aizawa Rina as Mizuno Mayu
Matsuyama Mary as Saotome Yoko
Takayama Yuko as Nitta Mashio
Saaya (紗綾) as Asakura Yui
Masumoto Yuko as Ando Misaki
Fujimoto Izumi (藤本泉) as Hasegawa Chinatsu
Tateishi Haruka (立石晴香) as Inoue Momoka
Nakayama Erina as Kawahara Shiori
Hikita Hidemi (疋田英美) as Fujimoto Anna
Katsume Mao (勝目真央) as Ishida Yuuki
Miyasaka Emiri as Satonaka Reina
Hino Tatsuya as Hattori Yuichiro
Nagata Akira as Tsukamoto Tetsuya
Murakami Kenji (村上健志) as Roku
Hamada Mari as Oota Kiyoko
Musaka Naomasa as Imamura Shohei
Kohinata Fumiyo as Mizuki Kenichi
Horibe Keisuke as Tachibana Kouichi
Komoto Masahiro as Shiba Hiroyuki (ep1)
David Ito as Store Manager (ep2)
Oginome Keiko as Kurosawa Shizuko (ep3)
Hinami Kyoko (日南響子) as Kawasaki Mika (ep3)
Suzuki Kazuma as Takada Shinya (ep4)
Hamada Maha (濱田万葉) as Takada Ayano (ep4)
Yorozu Masayuki (萬雅之) as Hayakawa (ep4)
Tezuka Satomi as Sakiyama Yuriko (ep5)
Tachibana Kuromi (立花胡桃) as Kurumi (ep5)
Omori Akemi as Nojima Sayako (ep6)
Rio as a vendor (ep6)
Sawamura Ikki as Sekiya Toru (ep7)
Kawano Naoki as Tetsu (ep7)
Amano Hironari as Kenji (ep7-8)
Adachi Rika as Nakasato Miho (ep7)
Hasebe Yu (長谷部優) as Aya (ep7)
Katase Nana as Shiraishi Rie (ep8)
Namiki Shiro as Takeda Kazou (ep8)
Yajima Kenichi as Kai Suguru (ep9)
Furuya Yumiko (降矢由美子) as Kai Mitsuko (ep9)
Inowaki Kai (井之脇海) as Kai Shumei (ep9)
Fujii Yugo (藤井祐伍) as Sakuma (ep9)
Sato Jiro as Kimura (ep10)
Nabemoto Honoka (鍋本帆乃香) as Sakamoto Ayaka (ep10)
Yoshida Akane
Production Credits
Original writing (manga): HAMMER SESSION! Namoshiro Tanahashi (貴矢高康)
Screenwriters: Takahashi Maki (髙橋麻紀), Kanazawa Tatsuya (金沢達也)
Producers: Sato Tsuyoshi (佐藤毅), Sato Yoshihiro (佐藤善宏)
Directors: Aso Manabu, Nakamae Yuji (中前勇児)
Music: Yokoyama Masaru (横山克)

Title: H2
Tagline: 君といた日々 / Kimi to Itahibi
Tagline (English): The Days with You
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Sports, romance, comedy
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 11.59
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2005-Jan-13 to 2005-Mar-30
Air time: Thursday 22:00
Theme song: Over... by K
Kunimi Hiro was an ace pitcher in junior high school,until he was diagnosed by a doctor as having a "glass elbow". He gave up baseball and joined Senkawa Senior High School's soccer team. But then something happens that reignites his passion for baseball and he joins a baseball team managed by Koga Haruka. And he finds himself in a match against his old friend/rival Tachibana Hideo who has advanced to Meiwa No.1 High School. The meeting of the two is observed by Hideo's girlfriend Amamiya Hikari, who is also Hiro's childhood friend. Meanwhile, Haruka finds herself increasingly drawn towards Hiro, despite his being interested only in baseball. It's a story about high school students who dream of appearing at Koushien baseball tournament and young love. --TBS
Yamada Takayuki as Kunimi Hiro
Natsume Takumi as young Hiro
Ishihara Satomi as Koga Haruka
Tanaka Koutaro as Tachibana Hideo
Ichikawa Yui as Amamiya Hikari
Kikuzato Hikari as young Hikari
Ishigaki Yuma as Kine Ryutaro
Nakao Akiyoshi as Noda Atsushi
Hojo Takahiro as Sagawa Shuji
Mori Ren as Yanagi Mochi
Nakajou Tomoaya as Young Mochi
Ryu Raita as Yanagi Michio
Kanjiya Shihori as Osanai Miho
Matoba Koji as Koga Fujio
Tamaru Maki as Komiya Keiko
Yanagisawa Shingo as Kunimi Taro
Ishino Mako as Kunimi Nobuko
Nanase Natsumi as Amamiya Sakura
Sugimoto Tetta as Amamiya Taichi
Enjoji Aya as Tachibana Yumiko
Takeno Isao as Tachibana Goro
Sato Megumi as Nakata Satomi
Yanagisawa Nana as Takazawa Asako
Nakamura Tomoya as Shima Osamu
Aoki Munetaka as Shima Osamu
Hayashi Tsuyoshi as Tsukigata
Saito Yosuke as Hasegawa
Yuge Tomohisa as Otake Fumio
Arakawa Yui as Matsuzaka Yui
Saito Takashi as Kokubo Takashi
Takahashi Ryosuke as Kuwata Ryosuke
Hirao Yuki as Uehara Yuki
Mitamura Shun as Kiyohara Madoka
Yokouchi Ami as Kinerin
Onodera Junko as Nodarin
Sato Jiro as the Doctor
Adachi Mitsuru as Adachi Sensei
Wariishi Hideki as Otaku AB
Kawana Yukio as the Editor
Kamiyoshihara Yo
Kubo Akira
Yin Ling (ep3)
Production Credits
Original writing: Adachi Mitsuru H2 (manga)
Screenwriters: Seki Erika, Yamazaki Atsuya
Producer: Ichiyama Ryuji
Directors: Tsutsumi Yukihiko, Imai Natsuki
Music: Sato Naoki
Manga creater Adachi Mitsuru makes guest appearances in every episode.
Ichikawa Yui is wearing different clothes in the final game which was also briefly shown in the first episode.
Episode 9 at 20mins01secs, Yamada Takayuki pitches the ball out but in next frame he is still holding the ball!

Gyoretsu no 48 Jikan
Title: 行列48時間
Title (romaji): Gyoretsu no 48 Jikan
Also known as: 48-Hour Queue
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Suspense, comedy
Episodes: 6
Viewership rating: 3.6 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2009-Oct-16 to 2009-Nov-27
Air time: Friday 22:00
Theme song: Seija no Koshin by Kobayashi Kei (小林桂)
A drama about a man nearing his retirement who waits in line for 48 hours to buy a lucky bag on New Year's Day. He and others with strong characters in queue, find themselves caught in a series of strange incidents. The unexpected story evolves through meeting people who try to hide their true feelings. --NHK
Kunimura Jun as Hofuku Yoshiro
Morishita Aiko as Hofuku Satoko
Taira Airi as Sayaka
Iwata Sayuri as Hofuku Megumi
Rikiya as Kazaki
TETSUYA as Someya Akio
Kaneda Akio as Ubukata Ryutaro
Sano Shiro as Sasajima
Hasegawa Hatsunori as Kokune Takashi
Watanabe Ikkei as Okawara
Katase Rino as Saeki Komako
Okuda Tatsuhito as bartender
Production Credits
Original writing (novel): Ki no Gyoretsu Hi no Gyoretsu by Fujita Yoshinaga (藤田宜永)
Screenwriter: Kashida Shogo (樫田正剛)
Directors: Hijikata Masato (土方政人), Joho Hidenori (城宝秀則)

Title: 玉蘭
Title (romaji): Gyokuran
Genre: Human Drama
Format: Tanpatsu
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Broadcast date: 2007-Jun-16
Air time: Saturday 21:00
This is about, Hirono Yuko, a brokenhearted woman who goes to China where she meets the ghost of her uncle.
Tokiwa Takako as Hirono Yuko
Tsutsui Michitaka as Matsumura Konama
Watanabe Ikkei as Kayashima Takumi
Hasegawa Tomoharu as Hodumi Nobuya
Gamo Mayu (蒲生麻由) as Muroya Yoshimi
Yamaguchi Miyako as Osugi
Osawa Sayaka (大沢さやか)
Sato Osamu (佐藤修)
Okamoto Rei
Asano Atsuko as Miyazaki Namiko
Nagashima Kazushige as Hirono Ken
Ren Hulk
Production Credits
Original writing: Kirino Natsuo Gyokuran (novel)
Screenwriter: Nishioka Takuya (西岡琢也)
Director: Abe Yuuichi (阿部雄一)
Music: Yoshimata Ryo

Title: ギネ
Title (romaji): Gyne
Tagline: 産婦人科の女たち
Tagline (romaji): Sanfujinka no Onna Tachi
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Medical, legal
Episodes: 9
Viewership ratings: 11.7 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2009-Oct-14 to 2009-Dec-09
Air time: Wednesday 22:00
Theme songs:
- Opening theme: My measure by lecca
- Ending theme: Tsunaidete by RYTHEM
Set in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of a university hospital. Hiragi Nachi is a reserved obstetrician, who is in her fifth year of working as a C-section surgeon in the maternity ward of the hospital. Because of a traumatic incident, she follows a philosophy of preserving life and would never abandon her patients even if it means taking on high risks. One night, while working the graveyard shift, Nachi performs a risky emergency cesarean section. However, when the patient dies from severe blood loss, the woman's family files a lawsuit against Nachi claiming malpractice.
Fujiwara Norika as Hiragi Nachi (obstetrician)
Kamiji Yusuke as Tamaki Satoshi (rookie obstetrician)
Itaya Yuka as Higuchi Ryoko (obstetrician)
Motokariya Yuika as Shima Erina (rookie obstetrician)
Emi Kurara (映美くらら) as Kimura Akiko (midwife)
Suzuki Mie (鈴木美恵) as Koyama (nurse)
Shinoda Mariko (篠田麻里子) as Toda (nurse)
Taki Yukari (滝裕可里) (nurse)
Ise Yumiko (いせゆみこ) as Toriumi Satoko (midwife)
Fukuda Chiaki (福田千明) as Kanazawa Yukari (obstetrician)
Kondo Yoshimasa as Fujiki Atsushi (medical office head)
Kunimura Jun as Susami Seijiro (obstetrics & gynecology dept. chairman)
Nakamura Hashinosuke as Enokihara Hiroshi (obstetrics dept. head)
Matsushita Yuki as Kimijima Noriko (gynecology dept. head)
Uchida Yuki as Segawa Kazuyo (legal adviser)
Nishida Naomi as Tokumoto Miwako (patient)
Yashima Norito as Tokumoto Shinichi (Miwako's husband)
Yoshida Riko as Tokumoto Yumi (Miwako's daughter)
Nishio Mari as Sato Mihoko (inpatient)
Sakai Miki as Minami Tomoko (ep1)
Namioka Kazuki as Tomoko's husband (ep1)
Kusamura Reiko as Yagi Shoko (ep1)
Tang Jia Si (唐加思) as pregnant woman (ep1)
Iwasa Mayuko as Tamaki Satoshi's friend (ep1)
Mikura Mana as Hasebe Mio (ep2,8)
Mikura Kana as Egawa Rio (ep2)
Nishimuta Megumi (西牟田恵) as Kaori (ep2)
Okayama Hajime as Dr. Motoki (ep2)
Ishibashi Anna as Yamamoto Rikako (ep2,8)
Yamashita Yorie as Kikuchi Harumi (ep3)
Nagai Anzu as Mitsui Sayaka (ep5-6)
Hankai Kazuaki as Kishimoto Shoichi (ep5,7)
Yoshida Yo as Hoshina Ayumi (ep7)
Ishii Tomoya as the ambulance crew (ep7)
Tsukayama Masane as the head of Shima Hospital (ep8)
Sudo Risa as Takeo Sae (ep8)
Production Credits
Original writing (article): No-Fault by Dr. Okai Takashi (岡井崇)
Screenwriter: Ooishi Shizuka
Chief Producer: Hazeyama Yuko
Producer: Nishi Norihiko, Kubota Mitsuru (久保田充), Watanabe Hirohito (渡邉浩仁)
Director: Iwamoto Hitoshi (ep1,3,5), Kubota Mitsuru (久保田充) (ep2,4,6), Honma Miyuki (本間美由紀) (ep7)
Music: Ike Yoshihiro

Guren Onna
Title: 紅蓮女 (ぐれん おんな)
Title (romaji): Guren Onna
Also known as: コスプレ幽霊・紅蓮女 (Cosplay Yuurei Guren Onna)
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: TV Tokyo
Broadcast period: 2008-Jan-11 to 2008-Mar-28
Air time: Friday 24:12
Theme songs:
- Opening theme: Neo Rhythm by PACHANGA
- Ending theme: Kokoro ni Colorful by Kagami Seira
The drama is based on the novel of the same name by Joko Nobuyuki. Takabe plays a high school teacher who has no friends due to her gloomy personality. Trying to find a reason for living, she spends her nights dressing up as the "guren-onna," a fictional ghost, and terrifying other people. However, she begins running into actual ghosts. --Tokyograph
Takabe Ai as Nabekura Fumiyo / Guren Onna
Shindo Gaku as Kenduka Kogoro
Sonoda Anna (薗田杏奈) as Muto Ema
Nakahama Namiko (中浜奈美子) as Kanda Ayumi
Nakamura Shizuka (中村静香) as Goto Saori
Akiyama Nana (秋山奈々) as Honma Kyoko
Takayama Yuko as Nakagawa Miyuki
Kato Mizuki as Ichijo Mai
Katagiri Ryuji as Sekiya Kyoto
Natsume Nana (夏目ナナ) as Osaki Rumi
Kumai Kohei as Chubachi Hiroki
Haba Yuichi as Ita Takashi
Murasugi Seminosuke as Imai Shinji
Gashuin Tatsuya as the voice of Kogoro
Fukawa Ryo (ep1)
Kobayashi Masahiro (ep2)
Kaji Masaki (ep3)
Omiya Taro (ep9)
Production Credits
Original writing: Joko Nobuyuki (上甲宣之)
Screenwriter: Tanaka Erika (田中江里夏)
Producers: Okabe Shinji (岡部紳二), Morita Noboru (森田昇), Ohno Hideki (大野秀樹), Satochi Eiji (里内英司)
Director: Abe Yuichi (阿部雄一)